Preference #7

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Daddy and Child moment 👪 <part 1>


"She's crying again." You whine and roll out of bed. Cameron sprung up.

"I got it." He said kissing your cheek and walking to the nursery.

*4 Hours Later*

You woke up and the baby wasn't crying and Cameron wasn't beside you. You got up and walked to the nursery. They weren't there.

"Cam?" You whispered and heard giggling downstairs.

You walked down to see Cameron and (Daughters Name) sitting on the couch. She was in his lap and they were watching Finding Nemo. Cam smiled and tickled your baby's neck.

"(Y/n)!" He said with a huge smile on his face. "She giggled!"

He stood up, carrying her towards you. Her arms were reaching out to his face.

"You really are the best daddy ever."

"You're not so bad of a mommy yourself." He kissed you and you all cuddled on the couch watching Finding Nemo.


Nash was in the yard with your 7 year old son (Sons Name) and they were making a lot of noise. You ignored it for a while but when you heard a drill turn on, you decided to take a look.

"What on earth are you guys doing??" You walked out to see Nash wearing a hard hat and a tool belt, and your son wearing a heard hat and playing with plastic tools.

"Daddy's building me a tree house!" Your son exclaimed. "And I get to help with my tools!"

"That's right!" Nash said, putting his tools down and grabbing your son.

"Airplane! Airplane!"

Nash put him on his shoulders and started running around the yard.

"Faster Daddy!!"

"I'll leave you two alone." You smiled and walked back inside.


"He's so cute." Aaron said, stroking your newborn sons head.

You were all laying on the bed, you next to Aaron and the baby on his chest.

"I like to feel him breathe." He said, blowing the baby's hair out of his face.

"You guys are so adorable I cant take it." You cried and Aaron put his free arm around you. He kissed your cheek.

"We did it." He said. "We made this."

You cried even more and got up to go to the bathroom.

"Be right back." You said, kissing your baby's forehead and your big baby's forehead.

You walked out and saw Aaron and the baby asleep on the bed. You took a picture and tweeted it with the caption "my two little babies💕".


Carter was putting your daughter to bed and he was in there for a long time. You got up to check on them.

He was sitting in a chair next to her bed and they were talking. You stood in the doorway.

"Boys are bad." Carter said.

"Aren't you a boy daddy?"

"Yes, but I'm your dad that's different."

"Why are boys bad?" Your 6 year old daughter looked puzzled.

"They just are, okay. Really, really bad."

"Not all boys." You interrupted from the doorway. "Look at your dad. He turned out pretty good."

You walked up to carter and kissed him.

"Eww! Gross!" Your daughter said and covered her face with the blanket.

"Good girl." Carter said and tucked her in. "Goodnight princess."

"Goodnight daddy." She hugged him and pulled his head to her chest.

"You'll always be my little girl, (daughters name)."

"You'll always be my daddy."

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