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Tallulah Grace

"Baby" I hear a soft voice whisper against my hear, I groan snuggling deeper into whoever's boobs these were, "babe you have got to get up you have work" Miah giggles shoving me sightly, "piss off I don't want to go" I grumble looking up at her tiredly, her eyes were red and blotchy along with her nose, evidence of her crying during the night, a wave of sadness washes over me. My arms curl over Darcy's small form as I lift myself, trying not to wake her up I lay her back down between the duvet and cushions lied over the sofa where we slept.  "Do you really have to go?" Miah asks sadly standing to the side with her head down, I sigh my shoulder slumping forward as I pull her into a hug, "yeah babe I do"I breath as her tears drip onto my shoulder making me tighten my grip around her. Miah is two years older then me but she's a lot more like a little sister as she's so fragile, she doesn't work so I have to do this job to pay for all of us, I don't mind though. Ever since our parents died I kind of just took over the job of big sister as she completely broke and it was my job to look after her and myself. Pulling back, she wipes her face with the back of her hands blowing out a breath and putting on a brave smile, "I'll pack your stuff you go shower" she smiles walking towards my bedroom, it was half four in the morning so we still had a bit of time till I leave but defiantly not enough. Stepping under the running water I allowed the heat to calm me down and relax my muscles, it's going to be physically and mentally difficult to stay this long away from my family but it's what I have to do the keep my family alive and I do what I love. 

My bags are in the car, Miah went down to heat it up as I wake Darcy up. "Baby wake up" I kiss her head waking her, "mummy" she calls winding her arms around my neck as I pick her up into my arms. "Come on you get to see mummys work" I smile at her, she gives me a sad pout knowing what it meant, "I love you so so much okay?" I say looking her in the eye as a tear drips from her cheek, I stroke my thumb across it, "always remember that, mummy loves you so so so much, more then anything in this world" I sniff tears streaking down my face before pulling her into me hugging her tightly. Walking down the stairs towards the car park made it feel like a step closer to hell, every step got heavier as the time ticked by closer to my departure from the only people I truly love in this world. Sitting in the backseat with Darcy in her car seat, Miah drove off towards my hq. Music softly played in the background but apart from that we were completely silent, lost in our thoughts while Darcy started to doze off again. All too soon we arrived, Wolf walked over to grab my bags and put them in his car while I unstrapped Darcy bringing her into my lap, I sat sideways with my legs out the car, pressing my face into her thin blonde hair I breathed in her soothing smell, strawberries. "I love you so much baby girl" I breathed kissing her head, "I love you mummy" she shouts clinging onto me as if for dear life, I hold her just as tight holding back the tears as Darcy's body racks with small cries. "Hey I promise you I'm going to see you soon okay?" I lift her head to meet my eyes, she sniffs nodding, "be good for aunty Miah and I'll facetime you tonight, sound good?" I raise an eyebrow smiling at her, her lips sticks out as she contnues to cry, "pinky promise" she holds out her small pinky, I smile interlocking our pinkies and kissing her hand, "pinky promise." 

"Hey my favourite girl" Wolf walks over taking Darcy from my lap, she gives him a huge hug around his neck as he wraps his arms around her tiny waist, "woah you've gotten big" he chuckles kissing her cheek. "Do you want to know something?" he whispers loudly shooting me a look smiling widely, I smile as she nods her head a smile gracing her pink lips, "your mummy is a super hero" he says amazed, Darcy fake gasps laughing loudly, "and I promise I'll look after her" he adds looking at me with a small sad smile. "Pinky promise" she whispers tears swarming her eyes once again, "always" he says interlocking their pinkies before placing her back on the floor. She runs straight back to me as I leave the car picking her up, Miah walks over as we hold each other tightly, "I love you both so much" I shout kissing both of them before Strapping Darcy back into her car seat and saying a final goodbye before hugging my sister tightly, "look after each other" she points a finger between Wolf and I giving us a warning look before getting into my car and driving off. "Come on babe" Wolf whispers putting his arm around my waist and pulling me towards his black car, I let him strap my into the front as I look out the window feeling overly emotional. 

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