13 1 0

Tallulah Grace

The music was so loud I could feel it thumping through the floor, it seemed like the party was in full swing due to the amount of people were here. Squeezing past a couple making out against the stairs my nose scrunched in distaste, "this is what teenagers do at partys?" I mutter looking around at the grinding hot bodies, Luke laughs loudly in my ear, "I forget you missed the whole teenager thing" Luke says, "yeah I'm not sure if that was a bad or good thing" I chuckle taking in the amount of alcohol laying around as we walk into the kitchen. "Eh you could see this as if you're gaining back the high school experience?" Luke says optimistically, Wolf chuckles beside me "not sure going on the job counts Luke" he says shooting me a small smile. "Oh my gosh I am so sorry" a drunk guy laughs as he bumps into me, Wolf pulls me to his side shoving the guy away, "yeah definitely a good thing" I mutter walking towards the alcohol. I take a red cup and fill it with some cola, Wolf walks over adding some malibu, "I know we are working but you need to loosen up a little" he whispers in my ear, I sigh nodding. "Right kiddos time to find the Styles" Luke says before muting himself, I catch Wolf's eye as we give each other a small nod and walk towards each other "front room" he says wrapping his arm back around my waist as we walk back into the room with the most people. "I don't see him" I say scanning the room just as a guy walks over looking me up and down, "hello gorgeous, you don't belong up here why don't you join the cool kids downstairs?" he smirks still checking me out, Wolf's arm squeezes me slightly before we follow the boy towards a set of stairs leading downstairs. It's a lot darker and a lot quieter once we get downstairs, two couches and some chairs along with beanbags were placed in a large circle. Instantly I recognised Harry with the group of guys from mcdonalds, Wolf's arm squeezed slightly as he pulled me into an empty chair on his lap, I lightly jab my elbow into his rib as he let out a breath of air at the contact. My eye caught Harry's and I knew he recognised me, "hey isn't that the hottie from maccers?" an Irish accent ringed out as he pointed at me, the guy next to him slapped the back of his head muttering a "shut up Niall." So the blonde Irish is Niall. "He they called you hot" Wolf laughs in my ear, "yeah and they didn't to you so shut up" I chuckles back, "what's going on guys?" Luke asks through my ear, I shuffled to the side slightly so Wolf could reply, "we are all sitting in a circle in the basement, lot of people both targets are here with friends" he sums up, "gotcha" Luke replies before it goes silent again. 

"Who wants to play a game?" someone shouts which gets everyone to cheer, "shall we?" Wolf breaths behind my ear, "we have to blend in so I guess" I mutter back as everyone sits in a circle on the floor, I notice Harry take a seat next to a the guy who was in my way at mcdonalds, he was nearest me and no one sat next to him, jumping off Wolf's lap I grab his hand and sit next to Harry with Wolf the other side of me. Harry shoots me a side smile before we both face forward, "you next to Harry Lou?" Luke asks in my ear, "yeah" I reply quietly as though I said it to Wolf. "So what's your names?" Some guy asks us from across the circle, I look at Wolf wide eyed not knowing if we had disguised names or not. He gives me the same look so I take it upon myself to decide, "I'm Lou, this is Wolf" I smile nodding to Wolf, he nods keeping his eyes on me. "I'm Zayn" he replies, I give him a  friendly nod before turning to the boys I'm supposed to be focused on, "what's your names then?" I ask trying to seem friendly and not creepy. "I'm Liam" the first guy says, he had messy brown hair with a baby face but he looked like a nice guy, "I'm Niall" the Irish one said next, "Louis" the guy sitting next to Harry introduced himself, he was cute with soft brown hair styled in a messy quiff. "Harry" replied my target, he wore a smirk as he held my eye contact, he had very green eyes, sharp features and was undeniably handsome, actually they all were. That explains they're popularity. Catching onto Wolf's conversation I noticed he had introduced himself to Gemma as well who was two people beside him, this was a good idea coming tonight. "Right card blow it is" Zayn smirked clapping his hands gaining our attention, my eyebrows scrunched up in confusion, Zayn must have caught my look as he chuckled at me before explaining, "so basically we have a card, you place it on your lips and you suck then you have to pass it to the next person keeping it on your lips, if it drops you have to kiss" he smirks. I nod understanding what he meant, I had Harry one side and Wolf the other for fuck sake. As the game began nerves bubbled in my stomach, please do not drop it I chanted in my head as Harry took it from Louis and leaned towards me, I pressed my lips to the card and sucked successfully taking it and passing it to Wolf who, thank God, managed to keep it up. It began going around again only when Harry went to pass it to me it dropped, as did my heart, I sent Wolf a panicked look while he just looked amused. "Ohhhh" the crowd went making me roll my eyes as I looked back to Harry seeing him already watching me with a smirk, that bugger did it on purpose, I shook my head slightly with an amused smile before he leans forward as did I. Our lips connected as his hand went around my waist and mine went into his hair, our lips moved in sink as his tongue darted out but I kept my lips closed making him smirk against my lips. Pulling away I rolled my eyes at him and passed the card to Wolf who looked as though he was trying really hold to hold back laughter. "Shut up Wolf" I growl hitting his side before pressing a finger to the black button on my ear piece, "target kissed" I mutter before hearing Luke burst out laughing, "also not funny" I mutter again trying to make it look casual instead of talking to myself. "Yes it is" Wolf chuckles beside me, "right okay um that's fine" Luke says still chuckling, "oh fuck off" I chuckle sitting straight again and facing the front of the circle.

The game had finished after that and everyone was just chatting, I was leaning against Wolf sipping my drink as I observed the people around us. "So Lou, Wolf how comes we've never seen you around before?" Someone asks as everyone turns to us waiting for an answer, "we are best friends and we decided to move down here yesterday" Wolf explains coming up with a quick believable story, "how old are you?" Zayn asks, he seems to be the host here. "I'm eighteen, Wolf's nineteen" I say remembering our ages from the files. He nods keeping his eyes on my face, this Zayn kid kinda gives me the creeps if I'm honest.  "So you'll be attending our school?" Harry asks making me look towards him, he had a carefree grin plastered on his face as he lent against the sofa where Louis and Liam sat, Niall was beside him drinking a beer. "Yeah" I replied giving him a small grin, his smile widens as he winks at me making me turn towards Wolf, the plan was not to involve ourselves with the targets other then friends maybe, now I've kissed mine. "We should go somewhere" Niall then shouted raising his beer, everyone looked to him amused, "where'd you want to go?" Liam asks knocking his beer with Nialls, "let's go to the beech" Niall laughs. "You've all been drinking" I speak up unable to stop myself, they all turn to me in amusement, "oh what you a cop now?" Zayn asks smirking at me, I scowl at him, "no I'm not but it's dangerous and reckless to drink drive" I reply as Wolf's arm snakes around my waist telling me to calm down. "Hey I wouldn't let them drink drive in a million years, the beech is just down the road we can walk" Harry says giving me a reassuring smile as I suddenly felt a wave of gratitude for him. 

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