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Tallulah Grace

"Wait so just go through what happened one last time" Luke sighed, we were video chatting with him as I explained what had happened at the beach hut. I sighed loudly, Wolf was sat stiffly beside me back at our flat, "during the night, two guys broke in and tried to stab me to death. I thought they were looking for Harry but before I revealed myself they were talking about finding the girl, the only girls there were me and Darcy, to put it in short form" I smile sarcastically already done with the conversation. "This is a lot more serious then we first expected" he mutters dragging his hands down his face, I look to Wolf questioningly, "what does that mean?" I ask. Luke sighs looking like he's hiding something and doesn't want to tell us, "they were looking for you, if we assume they were James Cartons men that means he knows you two are agents and protecting his kids" Luke explains making us gulp, "so it's not only Harry and Gemma in danger but you guys as well" he adds sadly. I nod my head slowly processing what he had told us in my mind, "we can't stop the case though, we can't get new agents either" I say looking to Wolf who is staring at me calculatingly, "we stop the case their free range for this fucker, new agents would make it obvious to Harry and Gemma, then they'd probably go against having body guards" sighing loudly I lean back in aggravation. This case got a lot more difficult in the space of four days, great.  "We also don't have other agents who are at the level of training to be deployed on this case to help you out" Luke ads pursing his lips, I shrug laughing sarcastically "so we basically continue as but just be more careful and don't get killed?" I ask rolling my eyes. "I'm sorry, if there was something I could do you know I would, but I don't know what other choice we have" he blows out a breath looking between me and Wolf, "okay that's fine we need to stratify, out" I say wanting the conversation to end, "okay staff safe and stay in touch, out" Luke says before ending the call.

Turning to Wolf, he looks beyond pissed. "You're hurt" he mutters looking at the bruises on my face and bandaged arm, I roll my eyes of course he's only concerned about my well being. "I'm fine" I chuckle shaking my head, getting up to make a tea I try my best to not let the fear and anger of the situation seep into me. "Are you okay?" Wolf asks, his voice soft and quiet, I swallow harshly nodding my head but not facing him, "I'm serious Lou, you're my partner and my best friend, talk to me" he says more sternly, I raise my head to look forward, my back still turned to Wolf. "I'm scared" I finally whisper out my voice cracking slightly, "I'm so so scared, both my parents died on missions. What if we die? What if I die? Darcy would grow up without any parent, Miah would have no one and have to completely take on mother figure, she'd have no income apart from our savings and after our parents death she was so broken I'm scared if we die she'd never recover" I finally speak my true thoughts as my breaths are choppy, my words everywhere, tears in my eyes and my heart practically beating out my chest. "Hey hey come here" Wolf sighs bringing my head to his chest and I try my best to calm my breathing and clear my mind, "I made a promise to look after you when we were deployed, and I don't break promises" his words held more depth then they should making me look up to meet his eyes, "if we were ever at the point where we may die, if you may die, I will get you out, even if it means giving my last breath" his words are soft but feel as if they weigh a thousand pounds smashing repeatedly into my chest crushing my heart and lungs. Shaking my head, I push his away from me, a tear finally drops from my eyes as I scream at him "no that's not how this works, we are a fucking team, one of us is not more important then the other and we are either in it together as equal fucking partners or not at all. We do not take out lives for each other, I would never be able to live with myself if you died for me, in order to save me. That's not how life works" I sob as my lungs burn from the extent of my screaming. A single tear drips from Wolfs eye as he smiles at me, "I love you" he whispers hugging me to his chest and kissing my forehead. 

I hate this. My work is my passion and love, being an agent is thrilling and powerful and it is honestly something I love to do. But this, this I hate. I hate being in the position where I know if the time came I would jump in front of trains, take bullets, get blown up, if it meant Wolf got home safe, yet at the same I know he would do the exact same thing. Where would we be then? Just two dead agents who loved each other too much to be selfish for once and stick to protical. Wolf is like my brother; when my parents died he took me under his wing at the agency, he had only been there for sixteen months but we trained together, learnt everything together, we were best friends from day one and he helped keep me alive after my parents death. Then when I fell pregnant from my dick of a boyfriend who fled at even the mention of a baby he was the one who came to the scans, bought me the foods I craved, gave my sister and I a place to stay while we tried to find a nice flat. He was there at the birth, the first word, the first step, EVERYTHING. He is my best fucking friend and I wouldn't be here today without him. That's what makes this so hard, that I know he puts me first for everything, he protects me about everything and if the time came, if made his mind, and his life was stolen in order to save mine, I would never be able to stop him. And that's what hurts, that's why this job fucking shits. That's why I'm laying in bed struggling to breath as I remember my family, my (lack of) friends, memories, and Wolf. The most important things in the whole world.

The fact two men came for me with knives, makes me assume they were there to kill, which is why I'm so petrified about what my happen. People like James Carton don't stop after one failed attempt, no they never stop and that makes my skin crawl. The fact that I don't know what's going to happen. The fact that I can't stop the future. The fact that he's already tried to attack when we are just over a month in. That scares me to my very score. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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