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Tallulah Grace

We had two days left and so far it's been the best holiday I've ever been on. Me and the lads were around the kitchen singing and dancing to the radio, just enjoying ourselves. "Mummy" Darcy squeaks giggling as she sat on the counter with me standing in front of her dancing so she didn't fall, "yes my beautiful daughter?" I smile poking her nose, "can we go swimming?" she jumps excitedly. "What an amazing idea" Harry cheers, the guys look at each other before cheering, I laugh loudly throwing my head back, "leggo boys and princess'" he winks marching up the stairs, "such a dork" I shout at him laughing. Picking Darcy up onto my hip I walk upstairs to our room and sit her on the bed, "Harry is my favorite" she says randomly nodding her head, I giggle "oh really now and why is that?" I ask digging through our clothes to find our swimming costumes. "He makes mummy smile" she says softly making me freeze, "yeah" I breath shocked, "he does" I smile to myself before taking out my black triangle bikini and matching one for Darcy. "Come one swim time" I clap making her jump up. After changing into our bikinis I dressed us in matching ripped blue jeans and plain white tees, "aren't we cute" I wink brushing my hair, Darcy giggles sitting on my bed playing with my phone. A knock comes from the door as I push my sunglasses on my head, Liam pops his head in smiling, "hey girls you ready?" he asks walking over to Darcy and tickling her stomach, "yup can you just take a picture of us?" I ask giving him my phone on snapchat, "sure" he chuckles standing up as Darcy comes to stand next to me. We both looked down with one leg in front of the other holding hands, our signature poise, "gorgeous" Liam smiles handing me my phone, we looked adorable, "fab we are all ready then" I squeal picking up Darcy onto my hip and slinging our swim bag over my shoulder. 

"Leggo girlies" Niall shouts running out the backdoor that leads directly onto the beach, giggling we walk out feeling the warm sand on my toes as I didn't bother with shoes. "Look after her" I shout as Darcy runs towards the sea holding Liam and Louis hand, after what happened last week I literally have to hold myself back from stopping her from going into he water. Laying my towel down next to Harry's, we stripped to our bikinis while the guys were already just in their trunks, "damn" I hear someone breath behind me, turning around I see Harry standing there looking me up and down making me laugh. "Oh hush come on" I giggle holding out my hand, he smirks walking towards me and taking my hand, wrapping his other around my waist as we walked down the beach to the sea. "Jesus it's cold" I shout as my toes dip into the shore, Harry laughs loudly trying to push me in further, "no no Harry it's freezing" I shout, he laughs loudly picking me up by my waist and throwing me over his shoulder. "Harold put me down you fucking moron" I scream hitting his back but he just laughs running further into the water, "oh you wanna be out down?" he asks clearly highly amused, "don't you fucking dare" I shout before he pushes me off his shoulder and I'm enfolged in cold water. spluttering, I come up and jump straight onto Harry making him fall back holding my waist. We laugh as we come back up, my hands rested on his chest and his around my waist. "See it's not that bad" he smiles looking down at me as I look up to him, the water only came up to about my stomach, we were standing very close and I could feel his breath on my forehead, "so beautiful" he whispers taking his hand and moving a piece of wet hair behind my ear, I looked down smiling, "such a charmer" I chuckle quietly, "only for you" he smiles back his face close to mine. I could feel ourselves moving closer and did nothing to stop it as he moved his hand to my jaw turning my face slightly, his soft lips press to mine as butterflies explode in my stomach. Our lips moved slow, soft as though savoring the moment, soon enough we began to pick up some pace as his hand moved from my jaw to my hip pressing me firmer against him. My hands were laid on his chest slid up to round his neck puling him tighter to me, our lips gained speed and became more desperate. I've never felt like I needed someone like I need Harry, it's scary and thrilling at the same time. I gasped smiling as his hand went to my arse and squeezed gently, he's never rough in anything we do, it's like he wants to be but holds himself back in fear of breaking me. Taking the chance, he slides his tongue past my lips and starts to explore my mouth. Just as I pull back for a breath of air a huge wave of water splashes us making us turn to see three laughing guys and my little girl giggling on Liam's shoulders. 

"Really guys?" Harry chuckles sounding like it was forced, I giggle quietly "come on" I smile walking over to Liam where Darcy puts her arms out and literally jumps into my arms making me chuckle. "How's my princess?" I ask tickling her stomach, "mummy we had so much fun I was on Liam's shoulders and he was swimming like a dolphin" she clapped her hands making my heart warm. 

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