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Tallulah Grace

It's been a month and nothing's happened. There's been no sign of threat to Harry or Gemma, we meet with their parents next weekend at a fancy restaurant. Wolf and I are passing all our classes, as we should. Harry and I are best friends, even though we apparently never stop flirting which isn't true, Gemma and Wolf are also super close, he say's there's nothing going on but I'm not stupid, there obviously is. I saw Darcy two weekend's ago and she's coming down again for the week holiday coming up, other then that it's like I'm living a normal life in a high school. We don't have contact with Luke through our ear pierces anymore but use them to contact each other in case of emergencies and to wind each other up.

"Oi Lou" Harry laughs clicking his finger's in front of my face stealing me from the trance I had been lost in, "you okay?" he smiles raising his eyebrows, "um yeah" I chuckle shaking my head slightly dazed. "So what's the plan for the holiday then?" he asks getting back into the groups conversation as we sat around our lunch table, "I vote your beach hut" Niall says slamming his hand on the table, "yeah me too" Liam says as Louis mutters a "I'm in." Harry sighs "okay then look's like we are spending the two weeks at my beach hut, you in Lou?" he asks as everyone looks to me, my heart sunk as I remembered Darcy, "sorry I can't" I shrug sadly. They all started complaining loudly at once making me shrink back giggling, "alright shut up" Louis shouts stopping their loud talk, "and why is that?" he asks looking at me while everyone else focuses on me as well. My eyes widen as I realise I can't really blurt out that my daughter is going to be here, "I am" I pause thinking of an excuse, "babysitting" I finally come up with smiling. Harry's eyes widen as he stares at me shocked, I was suddenly remembered of our first meeting when I accidentally told him of my daughter, sending him a wide eyed glare I think he got the message to keep his mouth shut. "Babysitting who?" Liam asks confused while taking a bite of his sandwich, "my sister's daughter, Darcy, she's one" I say holding back at a grimace at denying she's my daughter, "awe well bring her along" Niall smiled shrugging as he looked around the group, they all nod their heads encouragingly. "Oh I don't know about that and plus I have plans Saturday" I shrug with a tight lipped smile, "then we'll leave late" Harry said smiling widely, his eyes sparkled mischievously as I shot him a deadly glare. "There it's settled you're coming and so is Darcy" Louis smiles widely biting into his nugget, "great" I breath starring at the table thinking of a million and one things that could go wrong. 

"You're what?!" Wolf shouts loudly as he stands in front of me in the front room while I sat on our black sofa hugging the fluffy cushion, "it's their fault I couldn't get out of it" I try and fail to defend myself, Wolf sighs loudly rubbing his forehead while he falls back into the armchair, "I'm sure it will be fine, I'll just bring Darcy along, pretend she's my niece and we'll all be okay" I smile nodding my head while he looks at me like I'm the dumbest thing on the earth. "Okay so what happens when she calls you 'mummy'?" he asks as I look to the floor biting my lip, didn't think of that, "or she starts talking to you about your work?" he asks his voice louder. "She wouldn't you know she's smarter then that" I defend knowing that if I talked to Darcy she wouldn't mention it, I know for a fact she won't stop calling me mummy though. "You know what?" he stands up flinging his arms in the air, "let's ask Luke, he's are base manager" he storms to the kitchen where our laptop sat. I bit my nails anxiously as Wolf started to call Luke, soon enough Luke appeared on the screen smiling widely, "hey guys how are you?" he asks cheerfully, "we have a problem" Wolf says stopping me from replying, Luke's smile drops as he looks very serious and focuses on us. "So for the holiday, Darcy is staying with us but now Harry and his friends have basically said that Lou and her niece Darcy are staying with them at Harry's beach house, obviously this now brings us problems" Wolf summarises sitting next to me, Luke sighs taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes. "Honestly I think this is a good idea" he says making me smile and Wolf's mouth to drop, "But that niece thing is going to backfire, I think you need to say she's your daughter" he then added making me nearly choke on air. "Sorry how am I supposed to explain that I'm nineteen with a one year old daughter?" I asked loudly feeling anxiety building in my stomach, "don't, say you don't want to talk about it or that it's a long story or something I don't know" he said shaking his head. "Anyway I have work to do so good luck and keep in touch" Luke concluded before clicking off. "Oh jeez" I mutter swivelling around and putting my head in my hands breathing deeply, Wolf sighs loudly sitting on top of the counter with his legs dangling down. "How you going to tell them?" he asks quietly sensing my inner turmoil and anxiety building up, looking back up to him I shook my head pressing my lips together. "Honestly, I have no fucking clue" I chuckle humorlessly, "I mean the easiest option could just be turn up with her and be like o'oh by the way she's not my niece she's actually my daughter' but I doubt that would go down well" I shrugged pouting my lips and raising my eyebrows. Wolf chuckles pressing his hands on both my shoulders and giving a gentle massage, "just do whatever feel's right" he whispers encouragingly, I shot him a small smile nodding. 

"Oi Lou wait up" I hear Harry from behind me as I stand against a lamppost outside school smoking a cigarette, turning slightly I catch him slow from a jog in front of me, "Hey" I greet giving him a hug, "so I've decided that Liam, Louis and Niall are travelling in Louis car so you and Darcy can travel with me" he smiles brightly, I smile back giggling quietly "sound's great I'll drive to yours Saturday?" I offer stomping my fag out. "Yeah I'll text you the address and everything, also I have a car seat from my goddaughter so don't worry about that" he informs me as we walk towards school, "ugh thank god" I chuckle nudging my shoulder gently into his, he looks down at me smiling widely. "You know" he starts facing forward again with a small smile on his lips, "I actually can't wait to meet Darcy" he smiles down at me again, I returned the smile biting my lip before looking to the floor, "I'm really excited for you all to meet her as well" I say so quietly it almost came out as a whisper. Wrapping his arm around my waist he hugged me to him in a weird side hug thing. 

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