13 0 0

Tallulah Grace

Yawning loudly, I slapped off my phone's alarm before sitting up and stretching out my body. After Friday night's party we just spent the weekend doing some work, I facetimed my gorgeous daughter and sister. Now it's Monday and I can already feel the nerves settling in my stomach, I didn't get the full high school experience, you see, cause after my parents died I left school to start my training as an agent, my parents were so I believed I should be, Miah would never be able to do what I do but she would be an incredible mum just as she looks after her niece. Getting into the shower I allowed my thoughts to go back to my daughter, she was probably still sleeping, she was also probably not in her bed knowing her and my sister, they'd either be in my bed or on the sofa. I miss them so much and I spoke to them last night. After washing myself and getting dried I decided to wear a pair of ripped black skinny jeans with a camo green crop top that clung to my skin outlining my boobs and curves, I'm going to guess this is what someone popular would wear cause I honestly wouldn't know. Pulling my hair into a high pony, I backcomb bits to mess it up before pulling out pieces of hair  to frame my face, I don't usually wear makeup so I decided not to put any on but grabbed my sunglasses putting them on my head. I wouldn't normally wear sunglasses but while digging around our gadgets yesterday we came across them, they basically give Luke a visual of what we're doing. Putting in my earpiece, I lace up my boot heals and grab my black backpack and phone. "Wolf" I shout walking into the kitchen and flicking on the kettle, "goddamn woman shut the fuck up" Wolf groans taking a seat at the breakfast bar dressed in skinny black jeans with a white v-neck, basically the same thing he was wearing on friday. "Sorry but we have to be like an hour early so we can have a meeting with the headmaster, have Luke map out the whole school so we need to sunglass all of it, then we have to  find all our classes so we don't get lost etc" I say pouring two teas, he groans loudly dropping his head into his hands, "I left high school three years ago why am I going back?" he moans making me laugh pushing the tea in front of him, "ugh thank you" he says greatfully. 

"You ready?" Wolf asks as we get out the car, I shake my head no, "can I have a smoke first?" I ask about to take out my pack of fags and lighter when Wolf stops me, "nope we are already late, you can after we've finished this" he smiles wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me towards the entrance, because we are the first people here we parked at the very front. The place was deserted as we walked towards the front desk, once again there was no one there either, going straight into the headmasters office he jumped up in fright before standing pin straight and raising his hand to his heart as though he was about to sing our Country anthem. I choked back a laugh while Wolf kept a dead straight face obviously trying to scare him, "uh hu I-It's such a pleasure" the headmaster stuttered out and I had to stop myself from bursting with laughter. "Sir please don't" I giggled trying to get him to relax, Wolf shot me a disbelieving look, he obviously wanted to have some fun with the headmasters fear but I'm not that cold hearted. "I take it you received the information pack that was sent to you?" I ask taking a seat in front of his desk, he still looks pissed scared as he takes a seat and nods. "Good, so basically we are just going to be normal students you don't need to worry about anything. Guns won't be carried with us at the moment as we know the threat isn't likely to turn up any time soon, however once we get a tighter grip on the situation we may have to, you'll be alerted of that though" I start going over the information I've been trained to give, "um teachers, students, any staff won't be alerted of the situation unless it gets to a more dangerous height where, for their own and the students safety, the staff will be alerted by us through a meeting. So basically we are new students until the situation escalates, for confidentiality safety our target and clients identities can't be revealed to you yet once again if this case does escalate we will have to put look outs and the students will be notified to alert the staff, us, anyone if they see anyone unknown. Everything sound okay to you?" I try to wrap it up as quick as I can as he seems to be actually shitting himself, "yeah yes of course" he smiles nodding at us, "do you have any questions?" I ask again repeating my training like a robot while Wolf scans the room with the sunglasses so Luke can get a visual of the headmasters office as well, so far he's been silent in my ear which I'm quite thankful for as he's probably talking to Wolf instead. "Um yes" the headmaster states, I lean forward slightly interested as to what he wants to ask, "so I read that the case time is thirteen months, if the case is closed before that are you going to continue here for the rest of the time?" I was shocked it was actually a good question, "so that's the estimated case time but say it takes five months, we may stay for a month or so longer to keep an eye out but then we'd leave, so we will be here for however long it takes weather that's longer or shorter" I smile, "that all?" I ask praying he says yes.

"Yeah would you like a tour?" he asks standing, looking to Wolf he looks at me just as clueless, "Luke want Wolf to go on tour and I'll take a look around elsewhere?" I press my finger to my ear, the headmaster looks at me wide eyed probably realising I had an ear piece in, "ugh yeah that sound's good just remember to have your glasses on and press the button on the inside" Luke says, "Okay gotcha" I reply removing my finger and taking my glasses off my head before holding the small black button on the inside before placing them over my face. "Wolf will go on the tour and I'm going to take a look around if that's okay" I smile at the headmaster who nods, seemingly in shock from the unsuspecting gadgets. "Keep in touch" Wolf winks walking out the room with me following, they start walking down a hallway with lockers so I go through these big oak double doors, inside I realise I'm in the canteen. Circle tables litter all around varying in side, along the left side stood a kitchen with stalls in front so I'm going to take it that's where you buy your food. There is windows all around showing the field and car park, going through a door on the opposite door I end up in a huge hall, which, judging by the basketball net and lines on the floor, was a sports hall; benches stacked the sides while football nets were pushed into a corner. Walking through that I ended up in a locker hall, the lockers were all a dark blue colour and many had locks on them, continuing to walk through I came to another hall with classrooms on each side, I just carried on walking and discovered everything was very basic, the classrooms were numbered and lettered ie E2 was the second English classroom, A5 was the fifth art room, SC1 was the first science classroom and so on. "Anything interesting?" I hear Wolf ask through my ear, holding my finger onto the lighter black one I replied "nope, it's just a normal high school" I sighed, "how boring" he commented making me chuckles. "Meet back at the car" he said before it goes silent again, walking down the stairs I walk through the main doors and towards his black car in front, I also noticed there were more cars scattered around notifying me of the staff that were now getting ready to begin. Taking my glasses off I pressed the black button shutting them off and placed them back on my head, "that headmaster is shit scared of us" I hear Wolf laugh from behind me, I chuckle leaning against his car and taking out my cigarettes. "What time do students start getting here?" I ask lighting my fag and inhaling the toxic air, "about now" he sighs leaning sitting on the hood, "oh yeah mr shit scared gave me our planners and locker numbers" Wolf added handed me a navy blue book with the school name and logo on the front, "fuck I forgot we were gonna have to act like normal students and do homework and shit" I groaned putting the planner in my backpack, "I know right it sucks" he sighs chuckling. 

The car park was officially filled with students, my mouth raised in distaste, "okay this fucking sucks" I said looking at Wolf who was watching me in amusement, "hey don't look at me I've been saying that this whole time" he raised his hand in surrender as I move to stand in front of him, "it's just hit me that we have to blend in with these airhead bimbos and like befriend some, none of them look friendly and I don't want friends I have you" I ranted flinging my arms around while Wolf watched me mouth open and arms up. "Woah seems like someones scared for their first day" I hear a deep voice from behind me, I turned slightly to see Harry and his friends, looking back to Wolf he closes his eyes closed trying to hold in laughter, "piss of dog" I mutter knowing Wolf hates it when I call him that. Turing to Harry I gave him a small smile, "nah I'm fine" I say shrugging, "hm" he raises his eyebrows clearly not believing me. "We should head in" I mutter my mood damp from my rant, "eh we still have a while" Harry shrugs moving to lean against Wolf's car who had now crossed his arms and was glaring at me like a little kid, "don't look at me like that" I gave Wolf a deadpan look but he just looked away from me, "jeez you're such a kid" I say again but he just ignores me, "ugh fineeee I'm sorry" I say through gritted teeth, a smile split across his face as he jumped down to hug me. "Ew get your fat arse off me" I say trying to push him off, he chuckles puling away "okay okay have fun kiddo I'll see ya later keep in touch yeah?" he says kisses my head before walking away, turning to the guys I notice they're all talking apart from Harry who's watching me in amusement. "Leave me alone" I grumble leaning against the car next to him, "cute" he mutters before entering his friends conversation not letting me reply. 

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