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Tallulah Grace

I never realised how much school bored me until I was sitting in an English class about to doze of as the teacher rambled on about some dead guy, "I'm going to kill myself" Wolf's voice comes through my ear making me jump slightly, breathing a deep breath I look back to see him pissing himself with silent laughter at the back of the classroom. "Shut up and pay attention" I whisper back pressing my finger to my ear, "yeah like that's totally what you're doing" he teases, "shut up" I growl back before leaning back onto my arms on the desk and close my eyes. Luckily, the bell rang a few minutes later making me shoot up from my seat to grab my things, "hm totally paying attention" I hear Wolf chuckling behind me, "oh shut up" I roll my eyes at him as we walk out the classroom towards the canteen. "Right Gemma sits in the library so I'm going to go see if she's in there, if you need me just say" he kisses my head before walking towards the library while I enter the canteen, instantly I see where Harry is sat with his friends, it's the biggest table stationed right in the middle and it's filled with popular people. Harry notices me standing around and shouts my name waving me over, taking a deep breath I weave through the tables quickly scanning over the many students sitting in groups. The clear status line made my eyebrows scrunch as I reached Harry's table, he pulled a chair over for me to sit next to him and I thanked him as I took a seat, placing my school bag next to my feet and clicking my ear piece on to Luke. "Take it you're sitting with target at lunch then?" I hear his voice come through almost instantly, I hum in response trying to go unnoticed, "okay I've got visual of lunch room but I would like to listen into their conversations so I guess socialise gorgeous" he mumbles as I hear him clicking buttons, I assume he's getting my images of the canteen up. "So Lou" I hear Liam start the conversation making me look over to him, "how's your first day been so far?" his smile is carefree and he has an innocent air about him, I give a small smile in return "it's been okay, I guess I forgot how boring high school was though" I joke making him chuckle. "What you doing this weekend?" Louis asks joining the conversation, "um nothing at the moment, why?" I reply leaning slightly on the table, "you want to come to this fun karaoke cafe bar thing we like to hang out at?" he offers raising his eyebrows. "Yes" Luke says in my ear deciding for me, "sure," I smile making him slap his hands leaning back in his seat. Looking slightly over my shoulder I catch Harry watching me with a small smirk on his lips, "what?" I ask getting slightly conscious, he just shook his head eyes not leaving mine, "nothing" he mumbled still looking at me. I chuckled raising an eyebrow "why are you looking at me like then?" I ask biting my lip anxiously, God he's a boy I'm acting like I'm twelve stop it, "you're gorgeous" he whispers lowly making my breath catch in my throat, "please stop flirting" I hear Luke snapping me out of my thoughts, clearing my throat I just shake my head at him entering the groups conversation once again. 

"Oi Tallulah" Wolf's voice comes through my ear as I stand by my locker, luckily there was no one around, pressing a finger to my ear I hide my head in my locker to reply. "..    What's up?" I ask pretending to look for my book in case someone walks past, "you remember that Zayn guy? The creepy one" he asks sounding like he was speed walking somewhere, "yeah of course I do why?" I ask closing my locker so I'm in a position to get wherever needed quickly, "he's an arsehole and I have a terrible feeling about him, now get to the science block" he says quickly before the earpiece goes completely silent again. Sweeping the area I take off in a run down the hall, up the stairs and round the corner to see Zayn and two guys beside him towering over a kid who's crying on the floor, a large crowd surrounding them including Harry and his friends along with Gemma who's being held back by Wolf. "Oi get the fuck away from him" I can't help but shout as I run to Zayn and grab his arm pushing him away, "what the fuck" he shouts turning around to face me before laughing. "Oh Lou right?" he asks the smirk so wide I could slap it off, "I said get the fuck away from him" I repeat almost growling as I get into his face, "this ain't your fight princess now you better leave before you get hurt" he threats which in turn, makes me burst into laughter. "You? Threaten me?" I wipe fake tears after laughing, my face goes dead straight as I tilt my head slightly "hilarious" I whisper clicking my teeth, "bitch" Zayn growls before swinging at me but I've had years of training, I quickly duck before bringing my leg up and ramming my foot into his chest, he goes flying against the lockers to the side. Clearing my throat I stand straight looking him straight in the eye, "now, are we gonna do this the easy way where you kindly leave this kid alone so you and your gorillas can leave with your faces in tact or am I gonna have to whip your arses?" I raise an eyebrow keeping my cool as he stands to his feet again, Zayn was breathing heavily and was absolutely furious. Without answering, he swings his arm again just catching my jaw as my head smacks to the side but before he can get another hit in I punch him straight in the stomach knocking the breath out of him. I'm aware of the many students watching and videoing, including both targets, but take no notice as I kick Zayn straight in the head making him sprawl to the floor, it wasn't hard enough to knock him out but it was hard enough to slow him down a bit. Before I could tell him to stop my arms were grabbed from behind, it was all fair fighting Zayn but I had completely forgotten his imbecile boys. Jamming my elbow back I managed to knock one guy off me before winging my now free arm round into the other guys jaw. Both my arms were free but I now had three guys surrounding me, Zayn laughs clicking his neck before suprising me by raising his leg and thrusting it straight into my ribs, I chocked back my breath as I doubled over clutching my front, suddenly I was sent sprawling on the floor as Zayn punches my face. My head pounds as I jump to my feet shoving him into the lockers behind, fury burns in my veins, he raises his hand to punch me but I catch it and smack my own into his jaw, blood trickles down his lip as he coughs. My shoulders were pulled as one of his friends turned me around, his first came towards my face before I dodged it smacking my own into his throat, he falls back coughing uncontrollably. "Tallulah" I hear Wolf shout but I ignore him about to kick the other guy before I'm picked up by my waist and thrown over someones shoulder, "let me go" I growl wiggling. "No" I hear Wolf below me as he jogs down the stairs, through the hall and straight out the doors to the car park, as we reach his car he sits me on to his hood. I bow my head in shame as he stands in front of me clearly angry, "what the fuck was that?" he almost shouts waving his hand towards the school, "he hit me first" I grumble childishly, "so you nearly kill him" Wolf shouts, I sigh loudly looking up to him. His eyes are wide with eyebrows raised and lips slightly parted, "we aren't in training Tallulah, we aren't on a battle field and they are not the enemy" he says a lot calmer. "I know I'm sorry" I sigh hunching forward, "you need to be careful Lou, you're undercover and no one can know who you really are or it will jeopardise those kids safety" I hear Luke scold in my ear, "I said I was sorry" I huff annoyed that I was getting scolded like a little kid. Luke sighs before replying "I know you are but you need to be more careful and not get into big fights on your first day, please babe just try to stay under the radar" I nod before realising he can't see me, "I'll try my best" I whisper. "Thank you" he replies before I'm greeted with silence. 

"Sit" Wolf commands pointing to the breakfast bar, I do as told and jump up swinging my legs slightly while he grabs the first aid kit. Sighing loudly, he places his fingers under my chin lifting my head so he can inspect my lip and jaw, "your lip looks pretty smashed up, but your jaw looks just bruised. You'll survive, as for your eye, yeah that's black" he mumbles giving me a disapproving look, I roll my eyes giving a small smile while he grabs the wipes and antiseptic cream for my lip. Wolf wipes down my lip causing me to hiss in pain as the stinging sensation starts to burn, "your fault" is all he says before throwing the wipe away and grabbing the alcohol wipes for the dried blood. Hearing a ringing from my phone, I jump down and retrieve it from my jacket pocket, a picture of my sister and daughter kissing lights the screen for a facetime call. Swiping to answer my sisters worried face makes me smile, "Luke just text me are you okay?" she asks worriedly, I chuckle lowly "chill Miah I'm fine just a few scratches" I smile reassuringly. "Okay that black and blue patch on your face is definitely not a scratch and neither is that gaping wound that was your lip, what the fuck happened?" she screeches looking over my face as I roll my eyes at her over dramatic nature. "Hey I'm fine and I wasn't going to let some kid get beaten up so I stepped in" I say with a small shrug, she sighs tiredly before sitting on the sofa. "Please Lou, please can you not fight, I hate seeing you hurt and you're lucky Darcy is asleep right now, you know she's cry if she saw this" she rubs her hand over her face as guilt fills the pit of my stomach, "I'm sorry" I whisper watching my sister as she smiles at me shaking her head, "as long as you're safe, just please stay out of trouble" she mutters blinking slowly, I nod sadly, "and let Wolf take care of your stubborn arse" she ads smiling widely, I chuckle loudly "yeah we'll see about that one" I tease as she laughs, "I love you" she shouts kissing the camera, "I love you" I shout back kissing my camera before we say our goodbyes. 

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