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I leaned against the locker, waiting for the boys that bothered my girl in the morning to show up. I had a DEAL with him.. After a while, I saw that son of a bitch and his friends walked down the hallway. I walked towards them and stood in front of them. " What the hell, bro ? " The boy that kissed my girl's lips spoke. I curved a smile. " I have something to talk with you and your friends.. So if you don't mind, please follow me to the rooftop.. "

I said then I turned around and walked away. I heard footsteps behind me while I walk to the rooftop. I smirked. Yes, follow me fuckers.. I stepped inside the rooftop then I gestured them to come in. All of them are about.. Five. Sorry, I forgot to tell you. Hehe. As soon as they come inside, I immediately closed and then locked the door.

They looked at me with confused expression on their face. " So.. I want to ask you something.. Why did you bother Y/N this morning ? " I asked while putting both of my hands on the pocket. The guy that kissed my girl or should I say the leader, scoffed. " Why do you care ? Is she your girlfriend or something ? "

He said with smirk plastered on his face. I nodded. Yes, I've always admit that Y/N is my girl. Especially when I'm dealing with the boys thay bothered her. The leader chuckled. " I like her.. And I have right to do anything I want.. " He said cockily. I chuckled then shook my head. Kids nowadays.. I looked at him with coldness in my eyes. " Stop bothering her.. "

I said in a cold tone. The leader smirked again then came closer to me. " Who are you to instruct me ?.. " He said. I looked straight into his eyes. " Apologize to her tomorrow.. " I said again, ignoring his question a while ago. He scoffed. " Again.. Who are you to instruct me, fucker ?.. " He said again while looking at me. The others are just looking at me while crossing their arms. " So, you refuse to apologize to her ? " I asked calmly.

" What if I say yes ? What are you gonna do ? " He asked. I smiled then I digged into my bag and pulled out a GUN. I shot him right on his heart. He slowly fell down while blood spurted out of his body. The others just looked at his dead body with their eyes widen. I smiled. This is a normal thing that I do if they refuse to apologize to my girl. And yeah, this a VERY normal thing for me.

I've seen something more than this when I was a kid. I also felt it.. Tomorrow the teacher will make an announcement about this thing. But of course, they will say the SAME thing which is.. Car accident. And you know what ? All the teachers actually know that I am the most dangerous and powerful mafia leader's son.

So, they never mess with me. If I say 'A', then they will do it. And I mean, when I say don't reveal my identity to anyone, they will do it. Only some of the boys in my school know that I am the mafia leader's son because if I want them to apologize, I have to reveal my identity. Ahh.. So annoying ! I looked at the others. Their face pale. Hahaha. I'm enjoying this ! " So, still want to refuse apologizing to my girl ? " I asked while leaning against the fence. They all looked at me in fear.

" Wh-Who are you ?? " One of them asked. I chuckled. " That is a good question.. " I said then I walked towards them. " I'm Park Jimin.. Park Jihyun, A.K.A the most dangerous and powerful mafia leader in the world's son.. " I said. Yes, Park Jihyun is my dad's name. And I think I don't have to say all the dangerous and powerful thingy because even saying my dad's name already make them shiver. They immediately bowed to me. " We will apologize to her tomorrow.. " One of them said, making me smiled.

I woke up as usual as soon as I heard my annoying alarm ringing. I groaned annoyingly then I grabbed my towel and stepped into the bathroom. After I done refreshing myself, I picked an outfit then I do my hair. I don't like to apply any makeup. I like to be natural.

I immediately ran downstairs then went to the kitchen

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I immediately ran downstairs then went to the kitchen. I saw my mom, Ms. Kim is cooking and my dad is sitting on the chair, playing his phone. My brother is nowhere to be seen. " Morning ! " I said then I sat down beside my dad on the right side. My mom came to us while bringing food in her hand.

" Morning cupcake.. " My mom said as she put the food in front of me. I immediately eat the breakfast my mom had prepared. After a few minutes, my big brother, Kim Taehyung, came to us. He sat down beside me.

" Morning guys.. " He said then he started eating his breakfast. " Okay, so it looks like both of you are here already.. So, there's something I want to tell you.. " Our dad's words make both of us turned our head to him. " Your mom and I will go to United Kingdom for about.. 2 months.. So..

I hope you can take care of yourself.. Tae, take care of your baby sis, okay ? " He said. Taehyung immediately wrapped his arm around my shoulder. " Don't worry dad.. I will.. " He said, showing his famous boxy smile. I chuckled. Our dad smiled and so does our mom.

Both of my parents always fly to other countries because of WORK. So Taehyung and I always stay at home together. Luckily he also still studying and not working. If not, I will definitely left alone. But I'm sure though that I will left alone at home one day. Knowing that he will graduate from school soon, I'm sure he will find a job.

What job, I don't know. But he said he planned to work for his friend. Sometimes I was thinking.. What job can his friend give to him ? But I don't care about it actually. As long as he didn't forget me and stop being a loving and caring brother, I'm okay with it.

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