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Easy Person

I stared at him for a second. " How do you know he loves me ? You can scan his heart ?? " I asked, totally annoyed. Mr. Park sighed heavily. " Kim Y/N.. Please.. Trust me.. He really loves you.. If he doesn't, why would he kill all the boys that bothered you and refuse to apologize ? Please, think about it.. " He said. I remained silent. It's quite true though.. Then, I said something that make him smiled. " I-I will think about it.. "

I walked towards my bedroom while thinking about what Mr. Park said just now. He really loves me.. Really ? Let's think about it. Hmm..


He treats me well although he is a MAFIA LEADER.
But.. He kidnapped me ! He kidnapped me just to make me HIS. But.. Hmm.. I don't know. Should I try to love him too ? He looks like a good boy anyway. It just that he is a killer. Ahh ! This is much harder than to solve math questions !

I stepped into the room as soon as I arrived in front of it. And there he is, sleeping like an innocent baby or should I say an angel. Wait what ??!! But for real though.. He is quite handsome.

I closed the door then walked towards the bed. I sat on the edge of the bed and stared at him. My hands hesitantly moved towards his head. I then stroked his hair softly before whispering something in his ear. " I will try to love you.. And I hope what you told me.. Will come true.. Good night.. "

I said then kissed his forehead before fell asleep beside him. Wait.. I'm gonna sleep beside him ? Wow, I never noticed that.. Well.. Later, I was drifted off to my dreamland and little did I know, someone curved a small smile..

I woke up the next morning, feeling there is something heavy on my waist. I turned to see what is it and BOOM ! Jimin's hand around my waist. I just stared at him, studying his perfect face, his plump lips, his- " Take a picture.. It will last longer.. " He spoke without opening his eyes. My eyes widen. He's awake ?!

" You're awake ?? " I asked. Finally, he opened his eyes then smirked. " Morning baby.. " He said then suddenly, he pushed me to the bed and now, he's on top of me. What the hell ?! " Park Jimin.. " I said his name. He moved closer to my face. " I like the way you said my name, princess.. "

He whispered huskily then moved MUCH MORE closer to kiss me but I quickly pushed him away then I hurriedly stepped into the bathroom. I leaned against the door then I touched my face. It feels so hot !

I immediately chuckled as soon as she closed the bathroom door. " Cute.. " I muttered then I suddenly remembered something. Oh ! Today we have a date ! I turned my head to the clock. I rolled my eyes. It's not even 5 p.m. yet !

I guess I need to- Suddenly someone knocked the door. I looked at the door then walked towards it before grabbed the door knob and twisted it. It's Taehyung.

" What do you want ? " I said coldly while leaning against the door frame

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" What do you want ? " I said coldly while leaning against the door frame. This is me, guys. I can be cold and kind anytime. " Morning Jimin.. There's something I need to tell you.. " He said. I raised an eyebrow. " Okay, emm.. Hoseok told me just now that someone broke into our weapon's room.. "

He said again. I furrowed my eyesbrows. " How can they do that ? I thought the security for that room is quite.. Strong..? " I asked. I actually don't care about all of that. All I want to know is, when I ask them, they will say 'Clear, boss !'. But what happened now ?

" That's true.. The security is strong.. CCTV everywhere, bodyguards here and there, but the bodyguards are USELESS.. They don't even know how to fight I guess.. The CCTV.. Broken.. " His words make my blood boiled.

" So, what happen to all the weapons ?? " I asked. "... Some of them are... GONE.. " He said. I closed my eyes then I yelled on the top of my lungs. " GET THEM, NOW !! "

I stepped into the basement with Taehyung. The others ( BTS ) already here. Taehyung, being the P.A of mine, always stay with me. As soon as I stepped into it, I saw a few boys that are in a kneeling position. Their faces are clean so I have many chances to make it 'dirty'.

The other members are crossing their arms while standing around the boys. " 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... " I counted one by one while walking towards them slowly. But seriously though, I feel like a psycho guy. As soon as I stand in front of them, I stared at them. " Who are you ?.. " I asked calmly. No response.

" Who are you ? " I asked again, raising my voice slightly. " Who are you ?! " I immediately shouted because still no response. I can see that four of them shaking in fear while one of them not. He looks like the oldest. I looked at him then I walked towards him. I bend to look at him closely. " Who are you ?.. "

I whispered in a deep and husky voice. He slowly raised his head. " None of your business, motherfucker.. " He said then spat at me. The others gasped. I closed my eyes then wiped my face using my hand before I slapped his fucking face. " Hyung ! " The others shouted. I looked at them then smirked. " Oh, he's your brother ? "

I said then I grabbed one of them by his face harshly. I guess he is the youngest because his face said so. " Don't touch him ! " The one that I slapped, shouted. I turned my head to him then I smirked. " You don't want me to touch him ? Then tell me who the fuck are you.. " I said. " Never ! " He said.

" Oh, you're such a stubborn boy, huh ? " I said then I pulled out my gun and immediately shot his younger brother. " No ! " He shouted. " Still don't want to say anything ?! " I yelled then shot another one. " Fuck you, STOP ! " He shouted again. " Fuck me ?! Oh please, I will do that only with my princess.. " I said then shot another boy. Wow.. I'm such an easy person.. 

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