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One of my friends, Namjoon helped me to stand up. As soon as I stand up, I thanked him and walked away from them. Cupcake.. I went to Y/N's room. I need to explain everything to her.. I'm sure she is confuse as hell right now. I opened her bedroom door as soon as I arrived in front of it.

I peeked to see whether Y/N is in there or not. And luckily, she is. But she is.. Sleeping.. Or should I say, pretend to be sleeping. " Cupcake.. " No answer. I stepped into the room and closed the door behind me. I wiped the blood on the corner of my lips before I walked over to my baby sis' bed. " Y/N.. " I

called her name softly but she still didn't open her eyes. I sighed heavily. " Y/N.. Just, open your eyes.. I know you're awake.. " I said. Then she opened her eyes but she didn't looked at me. " Y/N.. Please, let me explain everything.. I'm begging you.. " I said while looking at her. She turned her head to me slowly.

I can see that her eyes are swollen. She must be crying so hard just now. Ahh, stupid brother ! Then she stared at me for a while before she sat up. I sighed in relief. Ahh, thank god she didn't hate me that much yet. I took a deep breathe before started speaking.

" Cupcake.. I want you to know that I never had the intention to lie to you.. I just don't want you to involve in this mafia world.. Plus, I also don't want you to know that your brother is a.. " I can't finish the sentence because I don't want to pronounce that word. " Killer ?.. " Y/N's voice make me looked at her.

Her voice is in a low tone but I can still managed to hear. She is looking down while playing with her fingers. I grabbed her hand and held it in my hands. " Y/N.. I'm really sorry.. Please forgive me.. Please.. " I said. She just remained silent. And her silence is killing me..

I just remained silent. I don't know what to say. " Cupcake.. I want to tell you something.. " He said after both of us keep our mouth shut for a seconds. I didn't look at him. I just waited for him to speak. " You remember that you have a silent guardian in highschool before ? " He asked. I frowned.

Why he ask this question to me ?? But I still nodded my head. " Okay.. Emm.. Actually, the silent guardian is.. Jimin.. " As soon as I heard Jimin's name, I immediately turned my head to Taehyung. " Wh-What ?? " I said while looking at him in disbelief. He nodded his head.

" Yes.. He is your silent guardian all this while, cupcake.. He already love you since highschool Y/N.. And you remember when all the boys that bothered you will apologize to you the next day ? Or they will died the next day ? It's Jimin's doing.. He will kill them if they refuse to apologize to you.. Jimin is a mafia leader's son by the way.. "

He explained to me and I just stared at him. " Wait.. If he killed them, surely the teacher will report to the police.. Right ? " I asked him. He sighed. " It's useless if they do so.. All the police.. Is under Jimin's dad.. " His words make me furrowed my eyesbrow. Jimin's dad ? Isn't Jimin is the leader ? " Jimin's dad ? Wait, wait.. Who is the leader actually ? Jimin or his dad ? " I asked.

" Emm.. That time, Jimin's dad is the leader but as soon as we graduated, Jimin is the leader.. And emm.. Jimin's dad name is Park Jihyun if you want to know.. " He said again. I nodded slowly. " Cupcake.. " Taehyung called me by my nickname again. I looked at him. " Please don't hate Jimin.. He love you so much.. He's willing to do anything for you.. I can see in his eyes when he is looking at you..

The way his eyes spark.. I can see his love for you.. I'm begging you.. Don't hate him, okay ? Plus he is your crush right ? " He said then he curved a small smile on his lips. I also curved a small smile as soon as I remember that Jimin is my crush before. But my smile fell as I remember that Jimin is a.. Mafia..

" No, no ! He is not my crush ! My crush is a sweet guy ! Not a killer or a mafia ! He is not Park Jimin that I like.. No, no ! " I said while shaking my head. I know, I look like a crazy girl.. " Y/N.. Hey.. " Taehyung said softly then he grabbed my wrists to calm me down. Soon, I stop struggling.

" Y/N.. Believe me.. He will love you, protect you and take care of you.. He won't hurt you.. Okay ? Just.. Try to forget the fact that he is a mafia.. Okay ? Trust me.. You will be happy with him.. " Taehyung said sweetly while looking into my eyes. Happy.. Will I be happy with him ? With a mafia called Park Jimin ? Suddenly, someone knocked the door.

I really hope what I was saying is TRUE. I really hope that Jimin won't hurt her, will love and protect her. She is my one and only sister anyway. Suddenly, someone knocked the door. Both of us turned our head to the door.

The door opened and revealed Rose, one of our maids. We have many maids but they didn't show up yet. Hehe. It just that Rose is the maid that in charge to take care of Y/N. I'm sure they will be really close soon.

" Sorry to interrupt Master Tae and Ms. Y/N.. But Master Jimin is looking for you Master Tae.. " Rose said politely. I nodded my head. I turned my head to Y/N. " I got to go.. Take care.. " I said while stroking her hair then I kissed her forehead before I stand up and walked to the door.

I stepped out of the room and closed the door before walked dowstairs to meet the others. As soon as I arrived at the living room, I saw Jimin is looking at me.

" What ? " I asked as I stand beside one of the boys called Yoongi

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" What ? " I asked as I stand beside one of the boys called Yoongi. I'm sure you guys already know who he is. Right..? " How is she ? Still mad at you ? " He asked. I sighed heavily. " Luckily.. Not anymore.. But I want to tell you something Jimin.. " I said while looking straight at him. He raised an eyebrow.

" Please take care of her.. Don't hurt her please.. I already asked her to try not to hate you and forget about the fact that you are a mafia.. So please take care of her, love and protect her.. Don't waste this chance.. And make her fall in love with you.. " I said. Jimin curved a smile. " I will.. "

I will.. I will Kim Taehyung.. I will take care of her, I will love and protect her. And of course I won't hurt her. Don't worry Tae. I will make her HAPPY.

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