31 •Finale•

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Shh.. I'm Back

I turned towards Jimin, only to see him staring at me. And I can see that his eyes are watery. I raised an eyebrow. " Why are you staring at me like that ? " I asked. " Be-Because.. " He said then suddenly hugged me tightly. " I MISS YOU SO MUCH.. " He said. Not gonna lie, I miss him too..

" And.. And I'm happy that you finally come back to me after all this years.. " I immediately pushed him harshly away from my body as soon as he said those words. He stumbled in a little bit before looking at me, confused. Why I push him ? Because I come here only to kill Mia. Not because I want to come back to him ! Plus, I'm not ready yet..

" Sorry, Jimin.. But I came here only to kill her.. Not because I want to come back to you.. " I said then turned around to walk away but Jimin suddenly took my wrist then turned me around so that I was facing him. " It's been 8 years, Y/N.. 8 Years ! I've been waiting for you all days and all nights ! You said you will come back to me ! You promised ! "

He said, slightly raising his voice. I rolled my eyes then snatched my arm from him. " Yes, I do promised you about that.. But I'm not ready yet ! Not now ! Get it ?? " I said then turned around to walk away but again, he took my wrist but this time.. HARSHLY. He make me faced him before bringing his face closer to mine.

" No.. You're not going anywhere.. I won't let you go this time.. YOU'RE MINE.. " He whispered in his deep and husky voice. I scoffed before snatching my arm away from him, also harshly. " Try.. " I whispered before walking away with Sam and the others.

As soon as Y/N left, Jimin immediately closed his eyes tightly while clenching his fist. No, no ! He won't let her go again ! Not this time ! His heart beats faster than ever while his face turned red. Why ?

Because he is ANGRY. Taehyung that saw Jimin in that condition immediately felt worried and scared. " Ji-Jimin.. " He called his boss A.K.A his best friend, soflty. Jimin immediately opened his eyes before speaking. " I want her back.. NOW.. "

I just stand at the balcony while resting my hand on the balcony's rail. Suddenly, a tear escaped my eye. Hurt.. That's what I am feeling right now.. I can't explain it but it felt SO hurt.

It hurts when I can't stay with him, it hurts when I have to leave him and it hurts when I see the PAIN in his eyes. Suddenly.. " Crying, huh ? " I immediately wiped my tears using my hand. Sam..

" I'm not cying, okay ? " I said. " Oh really ? Hey, you think I'm a stranger ? You think I don't know you ? What the hell , Kim Y/N ? " His words make a tear escaped my eye again. You're right, King.. I cried.. I just remained silent before I felt someone hugged me from behind.

" If it hurts too much, go back to him.. I know you love him.. SO MUCH.. So you don't have to lie to me about your feelings.. " He whispered soflty in my ear. I closed my eyes before turning around to face him and hugged him. I then buried my face on his chest before cried on it. Help me, Sam..

BANG !!!

I immediately opened my eyes as soon as I heard the loud sound. I get up, sitting on the bed. What the hell ?! I was sleeping peacefully then suddenly that fucking sound interrupted it. I immediately stand up before walking towards the door.

I was about to twist the door knob but suddenly someone put a cloth on my mouth. As soon as I accidentally inhaled the scent, I immediately.. BLACKED OUT..

I opened my eyes slowly, adjusting it to the brightness that hit my face. As soon as I opened both of it and can clearly see the surrounding, I immediately frowned. What. The. Actual. Fuck. Why am I here ?? This is not my room !

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