Barrier Of Bad News

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After breakfast my brother kept on bugging  me about what I heard. He just finished taking a shower and almost finished put on his clothes . I want to release my sob but I manage to hold it back. The word that my mother said kept running back through my head, they need to know about the divorce we're getting .

My brother shook me out of my thoughts and ask me, "What did you here mum and dad say Caroline."

I cannot tell my brother,well just not right now in the house he would of been devastated even more devastated than I am .
The I heard a knock on my bedroom door .

"Come in." I said

"Caroline you and you're brother ready for school."Dad asked me .

"Yes dad." I quickly said not wanting to tell my brother about what I heard . It would tear him apart .

I quickly walked out of my room after taking up my bag and my phone so my brother couldn't ask me any more question so I do not have to reply to them. After I came out of the living room, I went to the doorway to put on my shoes, my dad was already starting up the car.

"Caroline, Matt are you ready ." My dad shouted from the garage

"Be their In a second dad ." Matt shouted from the balcony

"Ready dad ."I said as I walked to the car.

"Is Edward not going to school dad." Matt asked as he walked out the door with on shoe on and other in his hands referring to my five year old brother.

"You're mum taking you're brother to school." Dad said can't even looking me in the eye .

"What about Emily you can't Just leave her here by herself she's just a baby." I said thinking their going to leave my baby sisters home alone.

"You're mum is going to be carring Emily with her." My dad said
"Are you guys gonna get in here are what."

"So why aren't mom and the rest of the kids aren't coming with us in this car, it has seven seats for God sakes."I said raising my voice louder by each word.

"They aren't comming in this car they're taking the bmw, now please change that topic." Dad practically begged me .

"Fine."I said as I took the back seat and my brother sits beside me.

After minutes of silence my father breaks it and started talking,

"So Caroline are you excited about your birthday." He asked me.

"Yes dad ."I said sounding sad .

"Well you do not sound happy and your birthday is next week tuesday ." He said

"Dad I'm having three parties,one with only my friends the next with my family and friends and the one you're letting me throw.
Of course I'm happy. I said with a fake smile.

The rest of the car ride was silent. We pull up in the parking lot at school .

"How much money do you guys need." Dad asked his usual question every morning .

And I give my normal reply,

"Seventy dollars dad." I told him.

"One hundred dollars ."Matt said

Dad gave us the amount of money we asked for and gave me a kiss goodbye.

And my brother turned around to me and said ,"What the damned happen that you do not want to tell me." Matt said with his voice louder by the minute.

"How do you know there's something I don't want to tell you?" I said like a statement and not an question.

"Oh please I'm your brother I know everything about you you can't hide those things from me."

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