Always In The Same Room

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"Good morning." I said waking Andre.

"Good morning. What's this?" He asked.

"Its is breakfast in bed hoping you'll stay and forgive me." I said.

"Nice try but my mind is made." He told me.

"Ok here is your fries, bacon, ketchup and baloni with pancake also burger, shrimp, lobster and crab." I told him.

"Ok sounds good, now what do you want other than me staying here because you wouldn't just do this because you love, so what." He asked.

"Ok I want you to take care of Edward and Emily just until night fall please." I begged him but also lied about that because I wanted a good excuse for him to stay so this sounded good enough.

"Ok but you have to go make me more lobster and we have a deal." He said taking the dish away from me.

"Deal." I said jumping up in excitement.

I ran downstairs and say Matty.

"He falled for it." I told him.

"Great I'll go shopping for party decorations you go shopping for food, oh and make a some invitation I already ordered them all you have to do is pick them up and pay for them." I told him.


"Chamberlain." I shouted.

"You called Caroline." He said with a smile I guess he smiled because he did not called me mam.

"You got it right that means improvement has occurred now please get Andre more lobsters he's hungry." I told him.

"Yes coming right up." He said.

"At the same time I got my credit card and hand bag and called a cab because this is important to me to get Andre so I'm gonna try everything in my power to get him back.

I went outside and sat on the chair that I saw.

After about three minutes a car parked infront of my house. I should have just called my driver but he would talm a lot and I wasn't in a talking mood because I was busy on Andres party.

I walked down the stairs to the car and said, "Good morning driver I'll be making a couple stops first at the meat shop."

"Alright mam you got it but which meat store." He asked.

"The one near the mall." I told him

"Ok you got it." He told me.


It was a short car drive to the meat store about 16 minutes drive. I went inside to see a woman standing very still like she's in a game and the other is just their cashing and talking calls laughing.

Installed to the cashier and said, "miss may I have a twenty sample of each meat kind you have in here except for chicken." I wrote my address on a paper and handed it to her, "here is my address please deliver it their thank you." I told her.

"What your asking for us a lot of money do you know that kid." She warned me.

"And I know but you don't know me that's why you said those foolish words perks of being rich." I told her.

"I'm sorry for saying." She told me.

"Look I'm not in the best of mood because I have friend problems  I'm throwing this party for him I'm just upset." I said clarifying myself for being so rude.

"It's ok I know what you are feeling my best friend died yesterday it  hurts." She said crying but slowly holding back her sob.

I felt so sorry for her and an idea of inviting he to the party popped in my head, so I said, "Hey would you like to come to the party I'm throwing tonight." I asked her.

"I don't know." She replied.

"Please I'll really like your presence there it would be amazing besides it will help you to forget about your friend." I asked.

"I'll try and you live at the Lockwood residence saw it on the paper you gave me." She laughed.

"Ok bye." I said walking away from her.

I went back to the cab where the driver was waiting. As soon as the driver started to drive I saw a calling coming in. I allow it to call without answer not even realizing it was my brother.

Matt : heh you don't need to buy anything just buy meat I already have the rest of stuff.

He texted.

Me : done then so I'm gonna buy some clothes.

Matt : l bye.

"Driver make a stop at the mall." I told him.

"You got it." He said turning around the car.


I finally reached at the mall and went to the store that I always buy my dresses and shoes.

"Let me see your best dresses and best heels." I told the cashier when I reached the counter.

"We always see to be in the same room don't you think." A voice said to me.

I turned around to see Derrik Morgan the boy who asked me out, "hey Derrik how are you." I asked.

"I'm fine you." He replied.

"Never been better." I said sarcastically.

"Oh I'm inviting you to a party tonight Lockwood residence cherry Gordon street my house." I invited him.

"I'll go if you'll be my date." He asked.

You know I do need a date after all its a party, "sure but be in your best behavior." I told him.

"Oh and I lied about my name I just wanted to see if you'll go out with me." He told me.

"Then what's your real name?" I asked.

"Damon Salvatore." He answered.

"Dont lie to me again I hate liars."  I warned him.

"Ok I'm sorry you know I think we are gonna be good friends." He told me.

"If you say so." I said.

"Bye Caroline right." He said .

"Good bye Harry." I said.

I watched him left and I saw the cashier come with a beautiful red dress it was amazing and she carried a white heels. Immediately I said, " I'll take them how much."

I paid collected my dress and went back to the cab.

"I'll go home now." I told him he just turned around the car and drive.

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