Bloody Entrance

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I ran to the doorway helping him up carrying him to the couch.

"Andre get the tissue, alcohol and put on some water to boil on the stove." I practically ordered him still shouting.

"Ok omg I can't believe this is happening."he said on his way to the bathroom.

"Andre stay with me stay with me." I shouted in his face with lying down helpless.

After hearing the racket my parents ran in the hall. After my parents saw Andre their laying on the couch bloody my mom drop to the ground instantly my father ran at the couch feet and kneel there still in shock he got up ran to the house phone to get a doctor. My father ran back to the couch holding my brother's hand. My brother pulled his hand away looking at him.

"This is all your fault both of you." Matt said.

Andre kept looking at hi until slowly he drifted away unconscious. I felt the world come to an end I started shouting.

"Matty wake up don't die on me please don't die on me."I screamed loudly hearing the echoes.

"My baby my baby boy come back." my mom said running to the couch where my brother is laying.

"Where's the fucking doctor ." My father said running back to the phone dialing a number.

I looked up to see Andre standing there with the things I sent him for.

"Bring them now. "I shouted at him, "your not gonna doe no not today we are gonna live until we're old."

"Check his heartbeat." Andre said looking like his eyes was about to pop out his head.

I checked it and felt his heart slowly beating.

"He's alive ." I shouted with my father running from the phone to check for himself. Then immediately we say the doctor Barging through the door.

"Am I too late." The doctor asked

"Stop asking question and get the fuck in here and shut up." He father shouted.

To add this is the second time I've heard my father curse those words he first was when tyler cheated on me and my father be at the hell out of him.

"Ok, we need to get him on his bed." The doctor said opening his briefcase.

My dad and Andre lifted Matt and bring him in his room. When I looked I saw Edward with Emily in his hand crying.

"Mom what's wrong with my big brother." Edward said crying.

"Dont worry baby Matt will be fine." My mom said to Edward wiping his tears from off of his cheek.

Andre and dad came out of the room." Are you ok." Andre ask me holding me close to him.

"Yeah as long as Matty is alright I'm alright." I replied Wiping the tears from my eyes.


After what felt like forever I was sitting on a chair looking at matt door waiting to see the doctor leave.

"Ready to eat something."Andre asked me.

"Are you fucking deaf Andre I won't eat until I know my brother is alright." I shouted at him and then calmly said, "Oh Andre I'm so sorry I just got carried away I wasn't suppose to do that I was such a fool I mean you are my best friend a lot of people don't have that and I won't throw that all away, it's just I don't want anything to eat, as soon as the doctor comes out I promise I will eat something ok."

"Its ok I get it, ill be up in your room." Andre said with a sad look on his face.


ndre walked up and the I saw the doctor Walk out of Matt's room my parents and I ran to him at the same time.

"Good news is he'll be ok." The doctor as we all exhaled in relief.

"So wait whats the bad news." I asked.

"The bad news is that he has a concussion nothing serious but he still needs to go to the hospital. I'll get an ambulance from down the road in two minutes."

I immediately ran to my brother room and saw him laying down on his bed. I walk over to his bed looked at him for a quick minute and kiss him on the forehead suddenly everything started to feel better and I'm really starving I'm so hungry I can't explain. Out of nowhere I heat either an ambulance or a fire truck. I came out his room walked outside as we saw an ambulance then immediately the people came out of the ambulance with a bad rolling on the with four wheels then about one minute we saw
the ambulance people comes out of the house with Matt on their wheel bed. The people do the ambulance told my mom that inky two people can go in the ambulance. My parents decided that they should go and they both kissed me and told me they will soon be right back.

I went back in the house and made some lucky charms cereal when to my room to eat and watch tv hoping I would sleep after what happened. I continued my journey until I saw Edward still holding Emily crying.

"Caroline where's Matt going?" Edward asked with tears in his eyes sounding sleepy.

I put my cereal on the table next to me which is where the flowers are, and I said, "Brother will be back soon he got a bruise on his head."

"Ok." He said nodding his head in understanding.

My brother bought it and went to his room. I know he'll sleep soon because his eyes were pink and he sounded very sleepy.

I kept walking until I reached my room opened up the door and went in to see Andre laying on my bed I didn't even remember he was here.

"Oh hey hey." I said to him.

"Oh hey. "He replied.

"I didn't even remember you were here." I joked.

"Why would you." He answered.

"Look about what happened in the staircase I was not in my right mind I was just so worried someone might die-." I got cut off by him.

"I get it." he told me.

"You do?" I asked in surprised of his answered.

"You thought your brother was dying so you freaked out by the way how's your brother?"he asked

"The doctor said he'll be alright he just had a concussion nothing too big though."I replied.

"Well I'm glad to hear that." Andre said.

I turned on the tv in my room watched and finished eating my cereal. I turned around and saw Andre sleeping so I turned off the tv rapped my arms around him after all he is my best friend and drifted off to sleep


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