1: Goat's Cheese

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Warning: This book will contain explicit language, violent references and nicknames that will make you hungry ;)

!Read at own risk!

A/N: Characters at the end of the chapter xx

Chapter 1: Goats Cheese


Today is my 17th birthday and also my 7 year anniversary of being an official agent.

Yes, I became an agent at the age of 10.

My brother and I were taken into the agency after my parents were reported as 'off the grid' when I was 5 and my brother was 6.

Since then we have been trained physically and mentally to serve our country. It took a long time but it was worth it because now, at the age of 17, I have completed and nailed over 400 missions.

Right now I'm standing in front of my mirror and analysing my choice of clothes. A black tank top with leggings and my favourite black leather jacket which has gold detailing with black combat boots.

Yep, definitely screams 17 year old agent.

Satisfied with my look I turn around and scan my bedroom, my mirror was in the corner of my room sitting next to my sleek white wardrobe and on the other side was the door to my bathroom. On the opposite end was my levelled bed with my desk and chair underneath. In the middle was my fluffy rug right underneath the window that was above it while my door was next to my rug.

I grabbed my keys and opened my door to see my brother standing there with a cupcake and a candle in his hands.

"Happy Birthday Lulu!" He screamed.

"Thanks Noah." I laughed and gave him a side hug.

"Make a wish!"

I tapped my chin and pretended to think.

"Hmm, I wish fo-" I was cut off by my brother yelling,

"Don't say it out loud!"

"For a 18 year old, you sure act like you are a sixth of your age."

"Look at my wittle sister, being smart and all." he used his baby voice.

"Shut up," I blew out the candle, "Let's go we are gonna be late."

"Alright." He stuffed the cupcake in his mouth not before taking the candle off.

"Noah!" I push him on the floor, "that was my cake."

"Sorry.." he mumbled while crawling over to the front door.

We pushed each other playfully down to our vehicles in parked in front of the house that the agency kindly gave us due to the fact that we didn't have parents or enough money to get our own.

I hopped onto my matte black motorcycle as Noah made his way to his red mustang.

"Race you!" I yelled to him.

He gave me the thumbs up.

"3!" I put my key into the ignition.

"2!" I looked over to see my brother doing the same thing.

"1!" I revved my engine getting ready.

"Go!" I sped off as did Noah was we zoomed through the streets dodging other vehicles and trash cans.

Thank goodness they taught us about speed racing as well.

I love riding my motorcycle, it gives me a feel of thrill and freedom. It makes me appreciate nature from where I am not stuck behind a door and glass.

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