60: Was He Crying?

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Chapter 60: Was He Crying?


We reached the top of the cliff and the view from here was breathtaking.

There was an overview of a lush green forest growing with a river going through half of it. To the sides were other tall hills and edges of cliffs which formed something like a barrier around the forest. It seemed like we got there at the right time because the sun was beginning to set and the sky was starting to turn into a warm orange and yellow colour in contrast from the blue sky.

Ace grabbed my hand and sat us down by the edge of the cliff.

"I swear if we fall off and die," I said as we sat down, "I will come back and haunt everyone you love."

"Damn Cupcake," Ace's eyes widened, "Chill, I promise we won't fall."

Our legs dangled off the ledge while we sat in silence, just watching the sky turn pink.

"Why are you sat so far away?" He asked me then smirked, "I don't bite...unless you want me to."

I rolled my eyes in response and moved closer to him but apparently it wasn't close enough because Ace pulled me into him. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Yeah," Ace whispered, "That's better."

It's moments like these that I actually consider stopping being an agent. Just be a normal girl who goes to school, has relationships and has time to go out and do things like this.

Then I realise I'm being selfish.

My parents didn't abandon Noah and I just so we could lay around in our friend's arms, doing nothing. No, they left so that we would grow up to be like the people that they were. The kind of people who save lives and protect people from harm, they kind of people who my parents would want us to be.

"Hey are you okay?" Ace had a concerned look on his face.

"Huh?" I blinked away the tears forming in my eyes, "Oh yeah, I'm fine."

"I've known girls enough to know that 'I'm fine' isn't an acceptable answer."

"Then I'm great, awesome, fabulous, just spectacular."

"Now you're just making it obvious that something isn't right." He cocked his head to the side, "Talk to me."

It took all of my strength not to blurt out the truth right there and then just because of how compelling his eyes were.

"I just- I guess I'm terrified of not being able to protect you," I told part of the truth, "I'm afraid that if you get hurts it will be because I couldn't save you. I don't know what I'll do if that happens."

"But it won't," Ace interjected, "You need to stop worrying about things that aren't going to happen. You deserve to be happy without having to be constantly worried about something."

"I can't help it." I mumbled.

"Just let it all go," He said to me, "Whether it's for a second, a minute, an hour, a day or night, whatever. Just stop grasping onto everything and take a moment to realise that everything will be okay."

We were both just admiring at each other, as he was talking his hands moved to cup my face. I could see his stare move down to my lips then back up at me again. He started edging towards me and I let him...until I realised he was going to kiss me.

No. I can't let him. Don't make it harder for myself.

God, this is so frustrating, I might just punch him instead.

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