57: I Can't Do This

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Chapter 57: I Can't Do This

Luna's POV:


This sound of the voice sounded distant and muffled. It was still black all around me, but I could feel myself lying down and my breaths were shallow. The smell of smoke was vivid and the rough sound of shouting was ringing in my ears.

"Luna!" The voice was louder this time and sounded much more clear. It was my brother.

I made myself open my eyes. That was a mistake.

In front of me was what I thought was my house. The flames had been put out but the damage was clearly visible. Almost all of the top part of the house had been burned down and the soot that covered every inch of the remaining house was nearly as dark as the night sky above me.
There were people outside on the streets and nightgowns pointing at the broken house. Fire trucks and ambulances lined the street still putting out the fire that managed to spread to our neighbours.

I was lying down on a stretcher placed on the side of the road with my brother next to me. I had an oxygen mask over me with an ice pack resting on my head and he was holding an oxygen mask too.

"Where's Raven?" I sat up.

"Woah, slow down there little sis, Raven is out there helping people" Noah pushed me back down, "Medic said you have a concussion and need time to rest."

"I don't have time Noah," I got up out of the stretcher holding the ice pack to my head, "I need to find out what happened."

I took off the oxygen mask and stood up. Yeah, I shouldn't have done that. I felt really dizzy, like the feeling when you stand up too fast. I steadied myself and blinked a few times.

I got this.

"Hey, Luna!" Noah called after me, "Get back here!"

"What? I can't hear you over the sound of my mild concussion!" I pretended not to hear him.

Noah ran after me, "I'm serious Lu, we can't have your concussion getting worse."

"I'm serious too Noah, we both know that this fire wasn't an accident," I pointed at our home, "We always turn off the oven and stove, none of us own lighters or matches and we don't even own candles!"

"Maybe it was, Luna." Noah shook his head, "The fire could've spread from one of our neighbours."

"You're not a good liar N...you're thinking the same thing I am."

"Hey! You're awake!" Raven came over to me and pulled me into a hug.

"Yeah, awake and afraid."

"Afraid of what?" She asked.

"She thinks someone purposely set fire to our house." Noah rolled his eyes.

"I agree with Luna..." Raven looked at me, "This wasn't an accident."

"Why do you guys think that?" Noah exclaimed.

"Look around Noah, most of our neighbours are old! Do you think they would be able to set fire to their house? And God knows that none of us own any lighters or matches." Raven explained.

Noah sighed, "Well isn't it the police's job to find out who our arsonist is?"

"We're agents Noah, don't you think we're gonna find out who it is before them?" I shrugged.

"Of course we would, but we have much more important things to deal with first." He pointed behind me.

I turned and my eyes widened when I saw Ace getting out of a car with his mom and him walking quickly over to us. I instantly tried to feel for my phone but I couldn't find it.

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