Chapter XVI: An adventist's weekend

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Saturday March 14, 2043

Noah's father kisses Noah on his forehead. Noah opens his eyes slowly and wakes up.

"Happy Sabbath, Noah." Whispered his father. "Happy Sabbath, dad." Replies Noah.

"Please dress up to your uniform to go to church." Asked his father politely. "Yes, father." Responds Noah.

Noah's father leaves Noah's room to prepare him breakfast. Noah gets up from his bed and make his bed before he began to take out his pyjamas to put on his tuxedo uniform.

"I love wearing this uniform, it makes me feel like a gentleman as Father." Said Noah to himself. He tied his tie while looking at the mirror.

Then Noah opens his window curtains and leaves his room to go eat  his breakfast. Next, he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. Finally, Noah was ready to go to church. But before he leaves, he went to feed Tony the turtle. He also took his Bible with him as well.

09:30 - from Home to Church

Noah and his father arrived to the Seventh-Day Adventist Spanish Bet-el Church. Noah's father parked the car in the parking lot of the church. They entered into the church.

"Noah, could you please get to your class while I go upstairs for the bible study." Said his father. "Yes, father." Responds Noah.

Noah's mother and his twin sisters were already at church since his mother is the teacher for the primary class where his sisters are in it too.

Noah goes to his class and see all his friends and Nicole sitting down on the table. "Oh, Noah. Happy Sabbath, bro." Said his teacher. "Grab a chair and sit right next to me." Added his teacher.

Noah grab a chair and sit next to his teacher. "We were talking about stewardship and how to be a steward of God's creations." He explains. Noah learned about what does it take to be a steward of God's creations.

It was around 10:55 when suddenly everyone in his class began to sing happy birthday to him. "You're going to be 13 years old this coming Wednesday, Noah?" Asked his teacher. "Yes, sir." Noah replies to his teacher.

"Well, I think our class time is over and the sermon is about to start." Explains his teacher. "Anyone wants to pray before we leave?" His teacher asked. Nicole rise her arm up. "Okay, Nicole. Can we please stand up and close our eyes to pray?" Said his teacher.

"Oremos. Padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo. Santificado sea tu nombre. Gracias señor por la lección que hemos aprendido esta mañana. Permítanos continuar aprendiendo más sobre sus palabras. Gracias por darle a Noah otro año de vida, señor. Y rezamos en el nombre de tu hijo Jesús. Amén." Nicole prayed.

Everyone responded "Amen" and open their eyes. "Please put away your chairs back to their place, guys." Said their teacher.

Noah puts away his chair on the stack of chairs behind him. He takes his Bible and leaves his class. Jeremy, Peter, and his other friends approach him. They all began to talk about Quardonia for about 5 minutes and then the sermon has began.

"I think we should go upstairs for the sermon, guys." Noah said.

They went upstairs to the sanctuary to sit on a pew at the front of the church.  The sermon started with its usual SDA hymns. The hymn singers sing the hymns in Spanish. Then the whole church watched an episode of "Probar y ver" on the projector screen. After every episode of "Probar y ver", We collect the offering to give it to God.

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