Chapter IV: Alpha & Omega

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Noah returns to Quardonia and choose to play on the campaign. 

He thought to himself (Hmmmm, I really want to know more about its history.) 

Noah spawns in a small island called Croydon. Remembering what happened yesterday, Noah finds out that this is where he has started the tutorial with Luke. Suddenly, he teleports to an enormous island which is Quardonia itself and he spawns in Mansfield.

Mansfield is the Capital City of the country, located in the centre. It is an ancient place where the Silvered Wolves and Golden Foxes are found and currently fighting each other.

Noah looks around and see many things happening at the same time in the same place. Swords clinking and clanking in many directions. Arrows being shot from hooded archers. Magic being spelled by mages and sorcerers. Mythical and magical creatures fought through the walls of Mansfield. Noah was vulnerable situation and can be killed by anyone. He's unarmed and only has his new necklace.

Suddenly, he was victimized to three knights from the Fox Tribe. They have drawn their swords out to kill him.

Noah: I can't believe campaign is quite hard.

All of a sudden, A white knight with his shiny armour backstabbed the three yellow knights with a single swing from his sword. After the scene, he approached to Noah.

?????: Citizen? Are you alright?

Noah: Yes, thank you for your rescue.

?????: No need for your gratitude. Here you're gonna need a weapon on the field.

Noah takes the silver sword from the silver knight.

Noah: Hey, what's your name?

?????: The name is not important, but I am Alpha.

Alpha paused for a second and then continued.

Alpha: We should start moving out of here. Follow me my friend.

Noah: Yes, sir.

Alpha and Noah saw a house from far and entered the house. Noah closes the door from the back and he was given an order from Alpha.

Alpha: Okay, friend. Listen to me on what I'm going to tell you. Whatever you do, don't leave this house. It's not safe for you out there.

Noah: What? Why?

Alpha: Sorry...I have to go now, so long friend.

Alpha leaves Noah alone inside the house. But Noah disobeyed Alpha's command and left the place. He opened the front door and he continued his journey. Noah ran towards another direction from the field and gets attacked by two white knights. Suddenly, An arrow was shot to one of the white knights' heads. Then the other one was vanquished too. Another knight who appears to look like Alpha approach to Noah with a suspicious look.

?????: You there. Who are you, lad?

Noah: I'm No--

?????: Well, whoever you are, it doesn't matter. What are you doing out here in Mansfield, lad? It's not safe for you, especially if you are a citizen.

Noah: You look familiar.

?????: How? We never met before, lad.

Noah: Isn't your name Alpha?

?????: No? That's my foolish brother....My name is....Well, nickname is Omega.

Noah: Oh! you guys are identical twins?

Omega: I guess so. Here, you're not going to be safe without any armour that can take a few hits from your enemies.

Omega hands Noah a golden chest-plate to wear. Noah equips the chest-plate onto himself.

Omega: Alright, Let's get you out of this city as soon as possible, lad.

Not to mention, there were gun-powered bombs being tossed and blown up randomly throughout Mansfield. A grenade out of nowhere blew up in the back of Noah's chest. Noah took a hundred hit points but luckily the golden chest-plate reduced the amount of damage taken by 40%. He lost sixty health points from it.

Omega: Still alive, citizen? Keep close to me if you want to stay that way.

On their way to escape the town, Noah encounter Alpha once again with Omega this time.

Omega: Ah, crabs.

Alpha: Omega! Why are your kinsmen stealing our resources?

Omega: Out of the way, Alpha! I have business to do with the Salamanders.

Alpha: Why did you go against me? I thought we were brothers.

Omega: Not anymore. After being so judgemental about my passion on destruction and blaming me for everything. You wanted me to be just like you but I didn't want to.

Alpha: You made a terrible mistake on joining those pesky worthless foxes.

Omega: Same goes to you for the sake of your girlfriend, wolf boy.

Alpha: Heh, I guess we're even.

Omega: I wish I could sword fight you to death right now, but I have things to be done.

Alpha went to the west and Omega went to the east. They both turned around to look at Noah.

Alpha: My friend! Follow me to fight against those golden foxes!

Omega: Citizen! Choose me to retreat now and take out these silvered wolves afterwards!

Noah was stuck to decide either the golden foxes or the silvered wolves.

Noah: I don't know who to pick?

?????: I will make the decision for you, chosen one.

Noah gets a concussion after someone from behind puts its hand on his face with a powerful smell to put him asleep. The mysterious person carries Noah on its back.

?????: Who's next?

Alpha and Omega looked at each other and they ran away from the mysterious person.

?????: That's right! Better not mess around with the chosen one!

To be continued...

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