Annabeth P.O.V. 1

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The one thing I hate about life the most. Why is it so hard to wake up Percy?

Percy groaned while I tried to shake him. "Percy, get up, Its time to leave!" I said, a little bit to loud.

"Do we have to?" He asked in the most innocent voice he could. I rolled my eyes. "No, Seaweed brain. We have to go. Now." At that thought, I pushed him off his bed. I heard a loud Crash that shook the entire cabin.

I walked up to Percy, who was still on the ground. "I'll give you five more minutes. If you are not outside by then, well.. I'll get Piper." Percy's eyes opened with shock and worry. He hated Piper charm speaking him, so he quickly got up and ran around his room, getting packed.

------------------Line Break------------------

I was about to knock, but the door suddenly busted open, and I saw Percy standing there. He had that grin that could attract anyone, with that raven black hair.. I'm starting to wonder. "C'mon, lets get to the ship. I'll race you there." He said in a challenging tone, and ran off before I could say anything. I, of course, ran after him.

When we both reached the ship, everyone else was there. And Nico was actually standing in the sunlight, not in the shadows. This made Annabeth happy, due to the fact that Nico still didn't like being in the sunlight like normal. But what surprised Annabeth was that Jason was talking to Nico like they were friends (Nico always said otherwise).

"No, centaurs are horrible!" Nico said, which I guessed they were talking about that game Mythomagic. Jason has gotten strangely addicted to it and made Nico teach him how to play it.

"What's going on you two?" I asked, walking up to them both. Startled, Nico Jumped and fell backwards. He would have hit his head on a rock, but Jason grabbed him by the arm so he didn't get hurt. Jason treated him so much like a little brother. Brothers obviously protect you from hitting your head on rocks.

I looked around at the others. Percy and Reyna were sparring with each other, Reyna doing very well. Hazel and Piper were on Argo II's mast, talking about something. Leo was working on something inside the ship, probably. I saw a eagle flying around, which was probably Frank.

The worst part about it all? It was so hard to get them all onto the ship. Piper, Hazel, and Leo weren't even a problem, since they were already on the ship. Nico and Jason took about 15 minutes to get on, since they had to clean up their massive, and I mean MASSIVE amount of Mythomagic cards and figurines. Reyna and Percy though.. They took forever. They kept on saying they'll be on when they were done fighting, but they took so long. Every fight they had at least lasted half an hour. We all decided to make bets on who would win. Nico chose Reyna, Jason chose Percy, Frank and Hazel chose Percy, Leo, who had come up from his work, chose Reyna, and Piper and me chose Reyna (Don't blame me for not choosing my boyfriend). In the end, Reyna won.

When everyone finally got on the Argo II, Piper and me all went to talk to our favorite person. Nico. The Thing about Nico, he's not from this time. He's from the 1930's, so he can easily get confused.

"Hey Nico! Wanna play a game?" Piper said, using her charm speak. Nico, somehow, wasn't affected. "No, Piper. Unless it involves me getting away from everybody, then sure." Piper, being her, got confused. "How did you resist my charm speak?" Nico just shrugged her off like it didn't matter.

While everyone else got comfortable, I went to go find Percy. I found him on the deck, as usual, sparring with Reyna, again. He had his back facing me, so I waited patiently for them to end it. In the end, Percy won. "Hey, Percy!" He turned around and showed his famous lopsided grin. "Hey Annabeth! What brings you here?" He asked in that tone that was distracted.  Him and Reyna have somehow developed a strong relationship. Of course, it was a friend relationship.

"So, are you ready to go to central city?" I asked, curious. "Of course, but why did you choose Central City again?" I looked at him, bewildered. "Well, its home to The Flash, of course!" He just looked at me, confused. I gave him the look that said, "Ill explain later" he just nodded. 

------------------Line Break------------------

"So, this is central city?" Jason asked, as we landed. "Of course! Central city, the home of The Flash!" I said it, excitedly. Everyone but Percy just nodded. He hadn't heard the rumors of the streak at all that the new campers have been telling us. Apparently, they watched TV and saw him on it. Me, being the person I am, looked on the news for him, and actually saw him. Just seeing someone able to break the sound barrier by running amazed me.

That's when I saw it. A white streak, not at all the color of the flashes, running towards the ship. "Guys!" I tried to say, but it ended in more of a "Gu!" as a giant robotic type speedster stood in front of all of us. 

"Who are you?!" Percy said, taken aback by how he just appeared. "Savitar, the god of speed!" He said, in a voice that was robotic like. He ran at Percy, punched him across the deck, and then speeded off the ship. I ran over to Percy just to make sure he was ok. "Percy?" I said. His eyes were closed, so I checked his pulse. Alive, but he must have broken something, and then blacked out from pain. Jason came over and helped me carry him over to a chair, where he woke up. "Where is he?!" He said right as he woke up. I mentally face palmed. "He's gone Percy, but probably not for good."

He's gone Percy, but probably not for good.

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