Jason P.O.V. 3

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What's the Flash? I wondered when we walked into Jitters. Apparently, Annabeth's been here with her family before (minus Athena). And the drinks... I didn't completely understand their names. Percy was staying at the back of the group, which his excuse was "My legs hurt." That was a lie. He didn't even hurt his legs when the fast guy came at him. We had to spread out a bit, since there wasn't any seats for Nine people. I sat with Piper and Leo, while Percy sat with Annabeth, Reyna, and Nico. Nico was going to sit alone, but Reyna pulled him over to sit with her, Percy, and Annabeth. Frank and Hazel sat behind us, talking about something, I wasn't pay attention. I heard Annabeth loud and clear. She kept on ranting about how this is where the flash is. I didn't see how it was possible. No mortal could run that fast, unless it was a demigod. And if it was a demigod, the mist would do something about it, make it like a car that's really, really fast. And I don't think any demigod could go that fast.

"So... how's the weather?" Leo asked, trying to start a conversation. I swear, I saw Piper mentally face palm, and that's not even mentally possible. "Do you guys even know what were doing after this?" Piper asked, which was a better Question then Leos. "I think we were going to S.T.A.R. Labs, but we might stop somewhere else." I replied to her. She just shook her head and Quietly said "Oh." We waited until the waiter came. When she asked what we wanted, I said the 'Killer Frost' since it was a hot day. Piper also chose Killer Frost. Leo just chose hot chocolate. I swear Calypso got him addicted to that. Wait, Calypso.. "Hey Leo, where's Calypso?" I asked, sounding worried. "Oh, don't worry, she's coming. Some of my.. friends are bringing her over." I nodded at that. We finished are drinks without talking.  

------------------Line Break------------------

"So, you sure you want to go there?" Piper asked Annabeth, with an eyebrow raised. "Yeah! They created the particle accelerator-" "Big fail." Leo said, just to get in the conversation. "-So there has to still be people there, right? What if its the flashes secret base?" We all nodded, pretending to understand so we can just get it over with. We all started walking towards S.T.A.R. Labs, which didn't feel right. Not because of it past, but something in my gut was telling me that if we go there, something bad will happen. I decided to ask a question that I had on my mind for a little while. "So, Annabeth?" I got a 'mhm' in response. "Care to explain what The Flash is?" She looked back at me, since she was leading the group. She was the only person who knew the way to S.T.A.R. Labs. "Well, he's a speedster. Or, a very fast person. He's like a superhero, since he stops crimes and other people with powers, and with the suit." That perked my interest. "So, the thing that attacked Percy earlier is The Flash?" I asked, about to strangle The Flash if I ever saw him. "Well, I don't think so. They has been other speedsters, and The Flash doesn't look like that, or sound. Plus, he's a good guy." 

(Skip about an Hour of boring walking...)

We arrived at S.T.A.R. Labs after probably the longest walk I've ever been apart of. It looked like nobody ever comes here. Ever. Annabeth pushed the gate open and started to walk towards the entrance. We all just looked at her as if she was just insane. She looked back at us when she was about halfway there. "Oh, come on, It will be fun!" We just looked at her weirdly. Leo started some flames on his ears by accident. "Sure.. fun." He said, which surprised all of us, since he always like doing things like this. That's why he was best friends with Connor and Travis. Percy shrugged and started to walk with Annabeth to the doors. Everybody else looked at each other and followed me to the doors. 

When we reached it, she looked at us, as if asked us if we were ready. I nodded, and when everybody saw what I meant, they nodded also. She pushed the door open, and walked in. We all starting to flow on, which was when I realized we actually had a lot of people with us. Nico was the last one to come in, muttering something about how this is wrong. I looked at him strangely, and he glared at me. I put my hands up in an 'I surrender' motion. He looked satisfied. "So, wha-" Piper put a hand over Leos mouth so no one could hear us. If  there was anyone even here. Possibilities slim, but hey, if the earth can be evil, people can be in a run down building.

"So.. What now?" I asked quietly, still wondering why were here. Annabeth gave me that look that said 'What do you think, brick head?' I started walking to a hallway, just to get a glimpse if it will end. Before I was able to look, someone spoke. It felt like it was coming from everywhere, and nowhere at the same time.  Then I noticed, it was in my head. "If you go, your world will never be the same. I'm warning you." The voice said. It sounded strange, and had this angry helicopter noise in the background of its voice. It didn't even sound mortal. I just went with the simple thought, Hallucination. I went over to the hall and looked down.

Right when I did, I was pushed to the ground by a red streak. When I got back up, there was a man with a red costume on. He had a white circle with a lightning bolt on the middle. Before I could examine him more, he asked "Who are you?" with a glare. Not friendly I suppose. Before I could even respond, Annabeth starting throwing questions at him. "Oh, you! How many meta-humans have you beaten? Where do you even keep them? How fast are you?" I noticed the guy get uncomfortable. I pulled out my coin, really hoping this was a demigod so I could actually use it. I flipped it up and got my sword. His eyes widened. "Why do you have a sword?!" He looked bewildered. Annabeth's eyes narrowed. "You can see it?" She asked, already knowing the answer. He didn't reply, and instead ran over to me before I could even blink, took my sword, and tossed it behind him.

Before I knew it, I was knocked out cold. The guy was so fast, he just knocked us all out before we could do anything. Of course, if you get knocked out, you still get dreams. I was standing in a forest, when red lightning starting circling me. I was being lifted up, but couldn't move. I looked up, and saw what looked like a portal starting to form. In it, I saw more red lightning. It stopped, and I saw a creature. It had a black suit on, like the guy I saw earlier. He looked more zombie than human. He stood on a hill. I noticed the other seven, along with the red guy, and two other people. One wore all black, and was female. The other one, male, had these blue and black glasses on. All of a sudden, the robotic monster, who called himself the god of speed, speeded up behind Piper and stuck a blade through her chest. I saw myself run over to her, and then the portal closed. I fell to the ground, just as the red lightning stopped. From it appeared a man in yellow. I instantly knew he was the one who spoke in my head earlier, when he told me my life would change if I looked. "You have doomed yourself, Mr. Grace. Be prepared, as this may not be the future, but through your actions, she will die. Choose Wisely from now on, Ill be watching." He sped off in a red streak, to who knows where. 

I fell into darkness as the scene changed to another one. I noticed 4 people. A man with black hair, who you could tell was very intelligent. He seemed to be doing a stand-off with 3 others. On the other side, the man in the red suit was looking at the other man. I could tell that the man done something to the speedster, as he looked angry at him. On his right, someone in a combat suit holding a bow, with an arrow notched, pointing it at the man on the other side. To the speedsters left, another man with black hair and fire all over his body, he seemed to also be against the apparently alone man. I saw them moving their mouths, but couldn't hear them. The man alone raised his fist at them. I ring, which had a lightning bolt on it, starting glowing. A suit came, the same suit of the man in my previous dream. I saw the man in red run at him, which the man in yellow returned.  

I woke up throwing myself up to my feet. What I didn't know was that I was standing on a cot. I fell off with a large Thump! I got up with a groan. "Geez, you need to stop all the noise, Jase." I looked behind me and saw Leo trying to hold in his laughter. It didn't hold. He busted out laughing, which interrupted something in another room. A guy with long black hair came in. "What did I tell you? I can't work with all this noise, especially with Harry!" He yelled the last part out the door. "Uh, sorry? Who are you exactly?" He looked confused for a second, but then realized he didn't tell me who he is. "Cisco. Cisco Ramon." He said, steadily. I just nodded, and he left. "Come on, the other seven might want to see you." He said, while he ran out the same door Cisco did. While I was following him, I had one thought. What were those dreams about? He shivered at the thought of what the man in yellow said. He had to tell everyone else.

God Of Speed: Book 1 of The Flash / HoO CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now