Barry Allen/Flash P.O.V. 2

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"I got them all out Cisco!" I said, while running back to star labs. "Great! You almost here yet?" I gave him my answer by running inside S.T.A.R. Labs, right behind him. "Ok, so, I have one more thing for you to do!" Cisco said, bored. "Like?" I asked, also in a bored tone. "Absolutely nothing. Wanna go to the movies?" That gave me a reason to face palm. "Maybe later Cisco." He looked a little sad, but I knew it was fake. I took that as my moment to run off. 

Almost at the same time, I reached Joes house. The lights were on, but I didn't know why. He should be at work right now. I walked inside and figured out that Joe wasn't here. It was Wally. "Hey Wally!" I said with a wave. We both walked over to each other and gave the other a high-five. "So, have you seen Iris at all lately?" I asked, which put him into thinking mode. "I haven't, but I would bet she's at CCPD." I nodded him a thanks and ran off.

When I reached CCPD, I immediately found Iris talking to Joe. I could hear them quite clearly. "I think we should get a puppy!", "No! You guys wouldn't take care of it!", "Yes we would! It would help us to focus on something new!" It kept on going, until I stopped it. "Hey, Guys! Can we talk about this later?" Iris gave me a fake glare and then smiled. "Hey Barry! What's up?" She asked in a tone that meant she would annoy me to no end later. "Um, yeah, I just thought we should search more into Edward Claris's murder." She nodded and formed an 'O' with her mouth and went to get her jacket. When she came back I led her into my lab and we started looking at the footage again. A metal like arm grabbed him, and started throwing him. He didn't even have a chance. He was dead. No one deserved to get murdered that way. It reminded me of my mother and father. Two people who didn't deserve the fate they received. That was when my phone buzzed. I picked it up and turned it on. On a text from Cisco, it said "Hey dude, we could like, really use you right now."  I looked at Iris and she just nodded. I ran out to star labs.

------------------Line Break------------------

"Ok, so Wally is hallucinating?" I asked, in a tone that obviously showed I was worried. "Well, yeah, he said that he calls to him, and in his dreams he has super speed like you said he did in Flashpoint." I flinched at the name of Flashpoint. I still missed it, being with my parents... I broke myself out of those thoughts. "What should we do?" He just raised his hands in surrender. "Joe said he would decide. It is his son." He looked a little worried. "So, just wait?" He shook his head. Ok, this is probably gonna take awhile, I thought. 

Three hours later

"No, we can't just use Wally! Its to dangerous!" I said to Joe. "Its our only chance to catch Alchemy, Barry!" I just shook my head. "Fine, but if this goes wrong, we might not even have a Wally." I said while walking out. I waited for Joe to get everyone ready, while I sat in the cortex. I couldn't believe Joe would let us use Wally! I got up and ran back to my suit, ready to put it on. 

------------------Line Break------------------

"We've got you, Alchemy." He just looked at me through his mask. "That was a grave mistake." He said it in almost a robotic voice. "You have no Idea, what's about to begin." After he said that, it seemed the earth was shaking. That's when I saw a flash of white. It freed all of Alchemy's followers, and raised one of the officers on our side up, and then killed him. He fell to the ground with a Thud! "Go, get the hell out of here!" I said at Wally and Joe, who just nodded. I started running after the white streak, but was eventually pushed down by it rushing past me. I saw Wally leaning down to touch something.. then I saw it. "Wally, no!" I said, right as he touched a philosopher stone. I saw him turn into a cocoon. I didn't even have time to study it, as the white streak picked me up, sped me to the middle of the room, and just held me there. "Who are you?" I said, as I looked at him. He had some kind of metal suit on. "Savitar," he raised his fist up and a small blade came out, "The God of Speed."

"You may serve the speed force flash, but I rule it. You are only a man, where as I am a god, your god." Joe just finished up beating his captors away, and looked at me. "Shoot it!" I said, in a strangled breath. "I can't see it!" He said, as he raised it. "Just do it!" He started shooting Savitar, but it didn't even affect him. "Lets go for a run." Savitar said, and ran off with me. I was thrown out on top of a building and he punched me a few times, then started running again. I felt myself being rolled across something, maybe grass? I couldn't tell, as the pain was getting to me. He ended it by throwing me on something solid. It was definitely not by S.T.A.R. Labs. He appeared out of no where. "Had Enough?" He said, staring at me. "Not even close." I said, and ran at him. He easily dodged and kicked me. I quickly got up when I landed, and just saw him as he punched me in the gut, sending me flying. "Still alive down there?" He picked me up and starting choking me "You are a shadow, beneath my throne. You are the past, but I, I am the future flash." Right as he said 'Flash', he put out his blade. That's when I heard a portal open. I heard someone talking, and then Savitar make a weird noise at them. I saw Savitar being turned into Ice, while still choking me. The Ice exploded, and he sped off somewhere. Caitlyn and Cisco ran over to me. Cisco help his hand out to help me up. I accepted it while he pulled me up. "Th-thanks." I said, since I was still cold. I could feel myself about to pass out when I saw a man in shorts, holding a trident while standing on the water. That's when I blacked out. 

God Of Speed: Book 1 of The Flash / HoO CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now