chapter 2: home sweet home

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Nadine's POV

"Home sweet home" I say as I put down the keys to motorcycle in the bin as I walk into my apartment. "You realize you have to find a new job now since you quit working for that perverted boss you had right?" Misty tells me making me groan in realization. "Great now where am I going to find a job at?" I went into my room and grabbed my laptop and went searching for jobs. "No... No... Ew no... Why..." I say as I'm looking through job listings. "Go looking outside there might be a job available that you like." Misty advises me which I agree to. "Mommy!" I hear my daughter Kira scream as she runs to me. "Hey baby girl. How was school today you didn't transform did you?" She shook her head. "No mommy but my teacher wants to speak with you tomorrow about something." I looked at her confused. "He said it's nothing bad." I look at her for a second. "You promise?" I  asked her as she stuck her pinkie finger out. "Pwomise" I linked her pinkie with mine. "Alright then do you want to come with me to go looking for jobs. She jumped around happily," yes! Let's go!" She says excitedly reminding me of her father.

*Flash back*
"Hold on Nadine we're almost there!" My husband Carter told me as he was driving us to the hospital while holding my hand. "Just gah! Keep driving and shush!" I said while squeezing the life out of his hand. I was pregnant with Kira and was ready to bring her into the world.
"We're almost there baby hold on." He said as he swerved into the hospital lanes to head into the ER. I was squeezing the life out of his hand as soon as he parked the car "I need this baby out of me now!" I say as Carter grabs a wheelchair pushing me inside"hello I need help my wife is giving birth to my child!" He screamed as soon as we got in, then some doctors came and got me and placed me in a room.

5 minutes later

"Come on Mrs. Winter one more push in 3..2..1!" The doctor said as I pushed one last time. After that I heard the beautiful cry of our baby "congratulations Mrs. Winters it's a girl." She showed before going to wash her off. After a good while  Carter came in and went straight to the baby. "Hi baby girl I'm your daddy." He said picking her up." I promise I'll give you the whole world."
He said as I saw him cry a little. "She's so beautiful." He said looking at me. "Hello Mr. and Mrs. Winters have you decided on a name for your daughter?" The doctor said as she came in. "Yes her name is Kira Anne Winters." He said smiling as he put her back in her crib as the doctor left. " I love you both so much." He said kissing me. "I love you too." I smiled at him

*Flash back end*

"Mommy! Come on let's go!" Kira said while pulling me out of my thoughts." Alright little boss lady"  I say as I grab my house keys and take her with me.
Hey guys let me know what you think about the book and what to fix.
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