Chapter Five

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(Victoria's POV)

Two hours later Lou drops us off at our house, it's late and we're both still a little tipsy.

I jump out of the car and wave to Lou.

"Bye! Thanks for the ride!" I say and run inside.

Xena's stays in the car for a minute, probably talking to Louis for a minute. Considering she's never gonna see him again after tonight.

I open the door and flick on the lights to see... shit.

"Victoria... where were you? And where's that cocky-ass sister of yours?" My dad grumbles. He's obviously pissed.

"Bye Louis!" Xena says walking in.

"Xena Kent! Who's 'Louis'?" Our mother asks. More importantly, why is my mother even here?

"Haha no one." She says awkwardly. She knows now that we're in deep shit.

"Did you sleep with him you little slut?!" Our mom yells at Xena.

Xena's eyes widen and her jaw drops to the floor in shock.

"No! Mom! I'm not a slut!" She yells back, quickly defending herself.

"Anyways, we got a call from the school today, about the firecracker Xenia set off in class." Our mother says.

"We? Since when has there ever been a we when it comes to the two of you?" Xena points at Mom and Dad.

"Don't turn this around on us. This is about the two of you, and your unacceptable behaviour. It needs to end." Dad retorts.

"You two, stay away from frat parties, no more rebelling in school, no more drinking, no more rule breaking. And also, we don't want to EVER get another phone call from the SBPD. Understand?" Our dad explains sternly.

"Dad you can't do that. We gotta live before we get older, do what we like, we got nothing to lose." I say. Probably shouldn't have poked the bear on that one.

"Enough with this pathetic behaviour. Do what we say or get the hell out of this house!" Our mother yells.

"But what-" Xena is about to ask something but is quickly cut off by our mother.

"You know what? Get out! Get out right now!" She screams.

"What?" Xena and I ask in unison.


"You heard her. OUT! You have an hour to get your things together. Then get out." Our father says and then leaves the room.

We knew this day was going to happen eventually.

Our parents hate us both and have been sick of us since the day we were born. But what has put us both off the most, is the fact that our parents are fighting with us rather than each other.

"Let's go." I say and we march up the stairs.

As we get some of our clothes together in small bags Xena breaks the silence in our room.

"Where are we supposed to go?" She says.

"I don't know." I shrug my shoulders and throw a shirt and hoodie into my bag.

"Wait... I have an idea. There is... one place we could stay..." she says.

She gives me "the look," and I know exactly what she's thinking.

"No no no no no no NO!" I refuse.

"Well why not?" She asks.

"Because we don't even know him that well." I say.

"Well I think we can trust Louis." She argues.

"Well I say we can't. Drop it, okay?" I shake my head at her suggestion.

"Fine, I'll stay with Louis and you can go wherever the hell you want." She shoves her hoodie in her bag and leaves with it.

Oh my god.

Temper tantrum much?

Wait. I have a better idea.

I dial the number on my phone and pray that he's still awake.

"Hey-Calum? Can I come over-?" I hesitate.

"Sure. Why?" He says over the phone.

"I'll explain everything once I'm over." I say.

"Okay." He agrees and I hang up.

(Xena's POV)

"Thanks for coming back Lou." I thank him while strapping on my seatbelt.

"No problem. Now why did you get kicked out of the house again?" He asks.

"My parents are sick of me and my sister being the rebellious bitches we are." I explain.

"Oh." He says flatly.

We drive along and by the time we arrive back at the frat house, it's already 2:00 in the morning.

I'm so tired that part of me wishes I hadn't gone to the frat party at all tonight.

I'm trying to keep my eyes open the best I can, practically forcing them open.

And I'm sure Louis is just as tired.

Not only am I exhausted, but I was nearly raped earlier, and I still don't know what to make of that.

I walk upstairs with Louis.

"Alright, you can either sleep in my bed with me, or you can sleep on the couch downstairs." He says, giving me options.

"If it's okay I'll take the couch." I say.

"Go ahead." He says, falling onto his bed from exhaustion.

I come down the stairs quietly, because the party's over and everyone who isn't unconscious on the ground, has gone home.

I look at the couches, all occupied by unconscious, wasted people from the party earlier tonight.

"Oh shit..." I curse under my breath.

There's gotta be somewhere else to sleep.

I poke around the house quietly, and realize there's nothing available.

Either there's someone drunk and out cold on the floor, or there's people- having sex in one of the rooms.

I head back upstairs to Louis' room and roll my eyes, I really don't wanna have to do this.

"Lemme guess. No room downstairs? Or anywhere?" He looks over to me and sighs.

"Is it that obvious?" I ask.

"Sort of." He chuckles.

"Get over here then." He sighs and gets under the blankets and bed sheets.

I crawl under the covers and close my eyes.

Just then, as I begin to doze off, I feel a pair of strong, yet gentle arms wrap around my torso.

I'm so tired right now I don't even care.

I finally shut my eyes and eventually nod off.

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