Chapter 17

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"No," Gaius said firmly.

It was late- the small hours of the morning. There was a watery early sunshine breaking through the windows in Gaius' rooms, and it lit Arthur in a tremulous light.
The prince was exhausted. He lizard blinked, rubbed his eyes hard and tried to shove the sleepiness away. Then he repeated what he had said about four times already to Gaius.

"My father has ordered it, Gaius. I want him to attend as little as you do, but-"

"Merlin is a patient in my care, Arthur, and I will decide what he does," said Gaius flatly.

"Gaius, please," Arthur pleaded. "I'm too tired to argue... Please, just talk to my father if you're not going to listen to me."

Gaius sighed.

"Fine. Fine, fine!" He blustered, throwing up his hands. "I'll talk to Uther. Now- go and get some sleep."

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