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            Oh my God, that didn’t just happen. I stared, wide eyed at the two Alpha’s in the room, glaring at each other. If it wasn’t so serious and silent in here, I would have bursted out laughing from what just happened. My heart was racing and my adrenaline kicked in, just by watching them fight. I can’t believe Jace just declared war on Austin.

            “Fine, I accept your declaration of war. I suggest you get your ass off my territory because I decide to attack now.” Austin snarled.

            Jace turned around and grabbed me by the arm, pulling me out of the office. I watched as Zack followed quickly behind us, scanning his surroundings. The other men who came with us, also followed. We reached the front door and Jace didn’t hesitate to rip open the door, flinging it also off the hinge. Great, he was pissed off and Jace angry wasn’t the best thing in the world. We got into the SUV and still no one said a word.

            “What happens now?” I asked, breaking the silence.

            “We go back to the pack house and gather all of our fighters and plan out our attack.” Jace said, causing me to flinch from his tone.

            He noticed this and he unbuckled my seatbelt and pulled me onto his lap. He nuzzled his face into my neck, breathing in my scent. He nibbled on my ear and started to whisper into my ear.

            “I love you, Isabella. I just want to be close to you.”

            My heart melted at his words. I never thought I could love someone so much in a short amount of time. I rested my head on his shoulder, wrapping my arms around him. I wanted to be close to him too because I knew that the next couple days were going to be hell. We drove back home and I was exhausted, mainly from all the driving and from the fact that I was just about fully recovered. It was only about five in the evening when we got back to the house.

            Once we were home, I headed upstairs to our bedroom. The house was silent, which was fine by me. Jace said he had to talk with the pack and then he’d be upstairs. I laid on the bed, trying to calm down at the war that was declared. What if Jace or Zack, or even Alia got hurt? I wouldn’t be able to live if something happened to any of them.

            I pushed away the thoughts and grabbed a large t-shirt of Jace’s to sleep in. I walked to the bathroom and got into the shirt, which stopped at mid-thigh and brushed my teeth. I decided to keep my hair down, but ran my hairbrush through it. I walked back into the bedroom to see Jace was lying on the bed, looking at his phone. He already changed into a pair of sweatpants to sleep in and wasn’t wearing a shirt, showing off his amazing six pack. Once he saw me, he set his phone down and smiled.

            “How are you doing?” He asked.

            “I think I should be asking you that question. I wasn’t the one who got in a fight, declared war and is still recovering from an explosion.” I said, smiling shyly.

            “Look, I’m fine from the explosion, see only scaring now, which will only heal over time. Doesn’t even hurt.” Jace said, showing me his back. He was right when he was practically healed, but I found myself looking at his back muscles that made my skin go hot. I can’t believe I was checking him out like this.

            “Plus, I kicked Austin’s ass in that fight.” Jace added, turning back to face me, leaving me a bit disappointed. I let out a small laugh and I noticed that Jace was staring at me without saying anything else. Why was he staring? Was my hair messed up or did I have something on my face?

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