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My eyes open the next morning with a wave of pain running throughout my body. I groan and try to get up, but my body is in too much pain to move. It felt like a car ran over my chest and broke every bone in my body. I wasn’t sure where all this pain was coming from until I remembered what happened last night. Tears lingered in my eyes as I hesitantly touched my neck. I let out a cry when a shot of pain erupted through my body. I got up, ignoring the pain as I ran into the bathroom.
            I turned on the lights, temporarily blinding me. Once my eyes adjusted to the light, I looked into the mirror and gasp. The once, beautiful moon shaped mark was now a bite mark that was ruined, reddened and swollen. I was no longer connected to Jace and that killed my inside. If my wolf was awake, she would be crying. I didn’t realize that I was crying until I felt the wetness of my tears streaming down my cheeks. There was emptiness inside me that I couldn’t explain. I knew why I felt this way, but I couldn’t explain what it felt like. Imagine losing the one person you loved most in the world.

            Being sick to my stomach as I stared at my dreadful appearance and that ruined mark on my neck, I turned off the bathroom light and walked back into the bedroom to be greeted by Dillon, lying on the bed. He smiled at me once he saw me, I guess choosing to ignore my tear filled eyes.

            “Morning. How’d you sleep?” He asked, like nothing happened.

            “You mean when you bit me and made me pass out?” I snapped.

            “I’m sorry about that, but you can’t have his mark anymore, not when you’re with me. If it makes you feel any better, you tasted delicious.” He smirked, making me hate him even more.
            “I hate you. You’re a disgusting monster who should rot in hell. To think that you were once my best friend.” I yelled.

            “Now, don’t be like that. We can be that close again, once we get back to Cadellan. I made you breakfast, please come eat.” He said, frowning. 

            I sighed, not wanting to fight with him. I needed to eat because starving myself wouldn’t do any good for anyone. I walked over to the door and walked out of the bedroom, heading towards the kitchen, not saying another word to Dillon. The smell of bacon and pancakes filled the air, causing my stomach to growl.

            As I passed the living room, I noticed that Matthew’s body was gone and there wasn’t any sign of blood or his murder. I guess Dillon was serious about the whole, ‘no loose ends’ thing.  I made my way to the kitchen to see a plate of pancakes and bacon waiting for me. My mouth started to water at the sight.
            “I knew this was your favorite breakfast.” He said smiling behind me.

            He sat down across from me as I slow began to eat my food, feeling uncomfortable as he stared at me like I was his food. Oh God, what if I was? What if he made me his personal refrigerator? The thought sent shivers up my spine.
            “Are you just going to stare at me while I eat?” I questioned.
            “Maybe, is that a problem with you?” He asked, crossing his arms.
            “Yeah, it’s kind of weird, considering that you don’t even eat food and staring is really rude.” I said, taking another bite of my amazing breakfast.

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