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            My eyes opened the next morning, my back screaming in pain. This stupid bed was no better than the floor itself. I made a mental note to change the beds down here if I ever get the chance. I looked in my parents’ cell to see that they were still asleep. The realization that I was going to get married today finally hit me and I started to cry softly, not wanting to wake my parents up. My heart was pounding and my hands were trembling. This couldn’t be happening.

            I was snapped out of my own pity party when I heard someone walking down the stairs. I prayed that it wasn’t Dillon, but knowing my luck it would be him. I was surprised when I saw a young woman, who looked to be about twenty walk towards me. She had long brown hair and beautiful hazel eyes. She was as skinny as a twig and was wearing a tight, red dress. It was now obvious to me that she was a vampire because of her pale skin and the hint of her fangs sticking out from her mouth.

            “Hi, I’m Jasmine. I’m going take you to breakfast.” She introduced, as she unlocked my cell. I walked out of the cell, and was about to make a run for it when she spoke again.

            “I’ve been ordered to watch you and if you try anything I will stop you.” Her words made my heart sink. She was one of Dillon’s friends. She gave me a soft smile and grabbed my arm as she walked up the stairs.

            I took one last glance at my sleeping parents, not sure when I would see them again. Jasmine pulled me upstairs and towards the kitchen, when the smell of cooking food filled the air. I sat down at a small table in corner of the kitchen where there was a plate of eggs, toast, bacon and some strawberries waiting for me. I quietly ate my food as Jasmine began to talk.

            “So, the King doesn’t want to see his bride before the wedding, not wanting to break tradition, so he ordered me to get you ready for later. Everything is being set up and your dress just arrived this morning. It’s truly stunning. I’m so excited that he will be marrying such a beautiful girl like you.” She exclaimed.

            She had lost me when she called Dillon king. He was far from it, but I guess once we’re married, he will be king. I hated how excited she was for the wedding because I was dreading it. Her perky attitude was really going to get on my nerves today.

            “Oh and I’m supposed to remind you of the threat he gave you yesterday. Everyone in the kingdom will be attending the wedding, and he would hate for you to misbehave and force him to do something he’ll regret later on.” She added, as I finished my plate of food. 

            Not bothering to clean up after me, he grabbed me by the arm and took off from the kitchen. She led me down hallway after hallway until we stopped in front of a familiar room, my bedroom. She opened the door, acting like she owned the place and I saw the large, plastic bag lying on my bed. She dragged me over to it and opened it up.

            What would this dress look like? I didn’t even care as long as it wasn’t too ugly, I could put up with it. The way Jasmine sounded, it was the prettiest dress ever. She pulled out an all white dress, but my mouth dropped open when I got a better look at it. 

            This wasn’t the typical wedding dress for a queen about to rule her kingdom. Normally the dress would be a huge, fluffy ball gown, which I’ve always loved as a wedding dress and dreamt mine would be like that. Sadly, this dress wasn’t even close to a ball gown. I wanted to break down crying that even with a forced marriage, I couldn’t even have a normal style wedding that I would have had with Matthew or someone else.

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