Chapter 1: What's your name blue eyes

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                          Roman's POV
As tej and I were talking to Ramsey about which one of us she liked she surprised us by saying both of us, and she asked if she could ask us a question, which be both said yes to.

"What's my last name?" She asked,

We both blanked and tej looked more upset than I did, I don't know why but that didn't really upset me, not knowing her last name.
As she walked away tej started sayimg suggestions on what her last name could be, even suggested "mrs. Parker" which was his last name.

Then suddenly mr. Nobody popped in and said "that's to bad fellas, at least I know her last name." While putting his hands around us,

As he started to walk away all my attention went to the door as little nobody walked in, damn I really need to know his name, I thought, with none other than Brian, with Mia and the kids following behind them.

As Brian, Little Nobody and Dom started talking when suddenly Dom engulfed Little Nobody in a great big Bear hug, which kind of made me jealous, but not gonna lie it gave me a great view of his ass which I didn't mind.

As I was enjoying the view I didn't notice Brian walking up to me until he snapped his fingers in front of my face and said "watch it" with the look of danger in his eyes.

I looked at him with a shocked look on my face and innocently said "why I don't know what your talking about."

"O so you weren't just looking at his ass" Brian said pointing at Little Nobody

I made a pff sound and said "I was just looking in his general direction." Brian laughed and said "Bullshit, Roman. Your eyes were glued to his backside."

"No I wasn't" I say, Brian laughs again and says "sure you weren't" and walks to the picnic table were everyone started to sit.

Brian then went to greet Ramsey see's as how it had been awhile since they'd seen each other.

As he was doing that I saw Mr. Nobody and Little Nobody talking to Hobbs and his 14 year old daughter Samantha,

I take a few breath's and talk up to myself thinking 'you can do this, you can do this', After I finally convinced myself to go up to them I did, as I walked up to them I tapped Little Nobody on his shoulder,

He turned to me and I was met with the most gorgeous blue eyes that I never really paid attention to before, they looked just like Brian's now that I think about it,

"Oh hey roman" he said with a side smile, when he said that I was brought out of my thoughts,

I noticed that Mr. Nobody, Hobbs and Samantha walked away giving us some privacy,

I smiled and said "hey blue eyes",

He looked at me confused "blue eyes?" He said with a confused tone,

"Well that's all I can call you since I don't know your name" I responded,

He nodded, "so why don't you tell me your name" I said,

He let out a laugh and asked "and why would I do that?",

"because I just wanna know, that's why" I replied,

"Okay how about this, you can try and guess my name, and if you can't I'll tell you, that sound good?" He asked

I smiled "okay, umm is it Kyle?" I asked

He shook his head, while smirking,

"Is iiit.... Ted?" I tried again,

And again he shook his head,

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