Normal Day

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やっほう wattpad, im SUPAGENKI and im having a pretty normal day today (well at least I was until I told myself I was having a normal day and then I started writing on paper.) I still count it as normal though. Just because I had some good ideas doesn't constitute it as like a awesome day because the thing is there are way more days where nothing happens than there are days that something happens. Im going to expand upon it later in a chapter in Captain's Log called Redefining Normal bam I just came up with the name for it right, CAN YOU FEEL THE GENKI?! But before you answer that question let me explain my normal day.

I overslept in the morning which is a trend I have been doing for the past couple of months. Its actually very hard to break (I did on Monday but not on Tuesday or today either.) I was contemplating whether going to work today or just taking the day off, seeing as how it's the end of the year and I don't have any classes or anything like that. So its like 7:30 by the time I finally decide to leave my apartment, I get to Tani station at 7:54 which is the transfer to Rokko station and the train doesn't leave until like 8:05 which is freaking me out because I don't want to be late but dude hahahaah pretending I actually care is ridiculous because if I did I wouldn't have overslept!

I get to Sanno at like 8:20 ish and then Rokko at like 8:30 which means im already late right, but it's raining and I have no intention of running to school on time to be just a little bit late. A long time GENKILOSOPHY of mine (that I developed in Junior year of high school) is, if im going to be late im not going to be a little late, im not going to be medium late, im going to be dammmm late.

But im still a salary man in japan so I speed walked to school. Was only 15 minutes :D.

So I get to work at like 8:45 and something was off. There were kids dressed up in there PE uniforms in the hallways, which is something I have never seen while classes were in session but it's the end of the year so I didn't think too much about it. I go over to the staff room and there are like no teachers in it, just a few but that's to be expected they all must be in their home rooms right now. I go to my desk sit down and then Sugimoto Sensei says to me,

"Real talk Andres why are you here, club activities?"

And im like "Real talk don't we have work today?"

And hes like "Na man Real Talk it's syunnbunnnohi."

And im like "Real talk what's syunnbunnohi?"

Hes like "Real talk it's a Japanese holiday."

And im like "Real talk that explains a lot."

Then he switches tone and is like "So Andres Real Talk what are you doing here?"

And I was like "Real Talkかな(kana means I wonder and is a Japanese idiom)" Everyone laughed when I said this.

I realized today while responding to a comment on Why cant I just be me? Volume 2 also while writing this that Japanese is even more of an indirect language then I thought. I have heard stories where Japanese teachers say one thing and mean another however my personal experiences with this made sense today. I was typing away like a mad man on my tablet in the staff room and several of the teachers were like "Wow man is that you? You can type so fast" and me being oblivious to the hints was like "Ya look I can do it with my eyes closed" So after that happened a couple of times my Kyoto Sensei came up to me and told me that I couldn't type on my personal computer at work anymore. None of like the 4 teachers that said, "Wow is that you?" told me directly also when I said "daijyobujyanaino (is it ok)" they all said "ok" so its even more confusing.

Very very very indirect. When he threw that question at me I go back to being oblivious, not knowing if he was trying to hint for me to leave or something.

"Welp Real Talk im already here, im not just going to leave."

So I just sat down at my desk, read, drew and wrote until like 1 o clock. Then I left to Sanno and on the way I met some of my more rowdy kids and me thinking "They already fired me, what's the worse that can happen?" Im like "Yo guys I got fired, Ms.Takani sensei hates my guts!" Now that I think about it hahahaha we took a picture together and im sure they snapped a video of me without my permission but ohh well.

They had always asked me indirectly in school "Do you like Ms.Takani sensei?" and me knowing that the cameras were on was like "I think shes a good teacher" haha super indirect answer but today I just talked and laughed with them. It was cool. Also all of these conversations went down in Japanese, but I don't remember the Japanese so I just created the atmosphere in English.

Today was actually a really normal day and like I was saying in the beginning im going to expand on my whole theory for normal days in the Captain's Log but I have a lot of editing and stuff to do before I get to that. That's the update for right now thanks for reading and as always BYE BYE!

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