Getting LAMBOOED: Updated Ritual!

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やっほう wattpad、im SUPAGENKI and in todays update im going to tell you about me walking backwards for 20 minutes. But before I get into me walking backwards, I have to explain why I was walking backwards. First, im going to lay out the setting.

The day job was actually really great yesterday.

I only have 2 months left at this job, but the limited amount of time is creating a catalyst for innovation that's allowing me to filter more of my passion and emotion into. I would still much rather be studying, but I have already decided that this will be my first and last job, so I see it as a golden opportunity to test out my ideas, and learn more about the system.

Teaching English in Japan can be a really unique experience, if you try to innovate your away around the stigmas surrounding you.

On Fridays, l have third years and all of my classes yesterday were super awesome! I remember what happened. The previous week, they had a school trip to Tokyo, and my OTE had no plans for there lessons, it was just going to be like independent study.

I was put on the spot, and what do we do when were put on the spot? We rise to the occasion! I went back to the reference section of my mindbrary and found a presentation that I made about the place I wanted to go, from an English Event I did a couple of months ago. Most people would say Denmark or Norway or any of that stuff, but me? I said Kamishima! Taking the knowledge of them traveling to Tokyo the week before, I applied used this presentation to explain where I wanted to go. The power of the presentation lies not in Kamishima itself, but how I learned about Kamishima.

Long story short, I read a book in high school called "The Sound of Waves" by Yukio Mishima, and went to the island it took place on (kamishima) while on study abroad. I linked this idea, to thinking about your future. At the beginning of the class, I pointed to my eyes and blinked. But like really holding that blink. Then I said "Whoa 6 months has already gone by." By the end of my presentation, I blinked again and said, look at that 6 months have gone by, but everyone remember if you don't think about your future, if you don't think about where you want to go, then you wont have a plan.

Im going to stop there because the joker might get on my case and report me to my bosses again(HAHAAHAHAHAH JAPANESE BIG BROTHER,) but im sure you can infer how things went! That was my day job, and at around 1:30 I went over to my elementary school (even though I didn't have any classes.)

I did it more for the change in environment. When I get to my ES I drew for like an hour, and buddy let me tell you, drawing is so cool right now! I have created 8 characters for my book already, and by drawing my characters, into settings from other manga, I was able to conceptualize scenes, dialogue and deconstruct the storyline! Its really cool stuff. No spoiler's or anything but it's going to be really GENKI!

Anyway, when I was looking for Asako in my bad, I didn't feel her. Then I remembered that I left her in the bathroom at JHS, and dude man I was ready to go to Sanno and get to work, but the thing is, I remembered. I remembered what I had forgotten, and where I had forgotten it. Real talk I realized I got lambooed, but I also realized that I could undo it.

Rituals are very hard things to maintain and you need to constantly be thinking about how to innovate them, because one idea can only apply to so many situations. I thought, "Im going to go to JHS next week anyway why not just leave?" That was doubt enter4ing my mind. That was me thinking it was ok to break the pace.

Then I thought, "No man, I have to go get her because the thing is if I put it off I will break the pace of this ritual, giving myself subconscious permission to break the pace again." I didn't say that last part but if you have read Malcolm Gladwells "The Tipping Point", it's a kin to the broken window syndrome.

I started walking back to my JHS, and I met this little kid on the way there. I start walking backwards to walk and talk to her. Then all of a sudden it hits me, "If I forget something I have to walk backwards to the location that I forgot it, from wherever I am when I remember."

If you have read my past WRANTS, you would know that I have developed a system to help me remember not to forget things. This is called getting LAMBOOED, but the thing is there just words. Sure, they have a strong experience attached to them, but in the moment it's hard to remember. What forgetting Asako did, was allow me to edit my rituals and make them stronger by tying action along with willpower. The action is walking backwards, and I don't fancy walking backwards.

Especially not for 20 minutes up and down hills and stuff, having Japanese people look at me strangely.

When I get back to my JHS, Asako (my grip strength device) is right where I forgot her, I walk forwards to the bus stop by izumiya, and where do I go?

Of course, I go to work, and that's why im writing this chapter right now! This was a solid WRANT worthy update and to shift the broken window syndrome to a positive outlook, in writing this update, it allowed me to write another update today about something seemingly random, but very powerful. Im going to post that tomorrow!


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