Is this a blog?

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I was reading "Writing What You Know" by Meg Files today and she was illustrating the methodology of transcribing free write into pome into nonfiction. It was something along these lines however she mentioned blogs as well. The difference between writing for a blog and writing with intention of getting published.

It made me think. Are the book that im writing on Wattpad blogs? I know this for sure. There are still many things that I don't know about the real world that im trying to get into. The publishing world, the business world, society as a whole. There is a concept of the things you know, the things you don't know and the things you dont know you dont know. I know for a fact that the things I don't know I don't know are far greater then the sums of what I do know and what I don't know hahahaha.

But is this a blog? No it is not a blog. Is it word vomit then? No it is not word vomit. They way I see writing these updates is simple. They are all pieces to a greater whole. There will be a time when we are all called to fight for our dreams and goals and that fight will depend upon the amount of preparation we put in leading to it. These stories are exactly that, preparation. Preparation for the things I don't know I don't know. There is a method to writing definitely.

A method that is proven to work but for the life of me I am not that kind of writer, at least not right now. The method uses language in a way that I don't understand whatsoever. It's the same thing with music. I just am not able to comprehend the complex meanings of "Im in love with the coco, I got it from the lolo, Im in love with the coco" or "I just woke up in a new bugodi eyyy I just woke up in a new bugodi eyyyy." Language is used in a way that's meant to allude to the real meaning in most successful songs and books. I don't get the illusion.

What I yearn for as a reader and writer is simple. I yearn for purpose and easily understood purpose. Is this just me ranting? No. These are WRANTS and I wrote about it in a previous chapter. They are all pieces to a greater story that im trying to make in the future. Writing life into existence. If we don't write down our thoughts, in the sheer magnitude of which we have them 98 percent of whatever enters our minds will be forgotten.

That's where the power of writing comes in. Writing our thoughts into existence. But its not enough to just write about them. The way that we are taught about success in life is misleading. It teaches us that success is dependent upon 1. Talent and 2. Hard work.

What this explanation doesn't account for are the people who you meet along the way. The people who can teach you about the things you don't know you don't know. For this reason I have decided that I am going to take 6 months off when I get back to America. These 6 months are going to be spent studying under mentors and writing my first novel. I find it kind of funny how people are always saying "try to enjoy your time when you young." Enjoy instead of use wisely but the people who say this more often then not enjoyed their time when they were young and now are trapped in a system that doesn't provide them the opportunity to use it efficiently.


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