Bianca's POV.
Christian and I's day was today and we sat in shorts and tank tops and watched TV. No Craig, no Jacob, just us. "I wonder what the boys are doing" Christian said, stuffing her face with Chips. "Knowing them, there's no telling what they're doing at this exact moment" I replied.
Jacob's POV.
"Since it's both of their birthdays today, I want to show them today" I suggested. Craig smiled and nodded his head, "Yeah, me too, but how are going to get them out of the house?"
"You obviously don't know Bianca" I smirked, "First we need our family and friends here" We picked up our phones and called everyone in our contacts, "You know it'll be a while before they get here so I have to set up everything for Christian when we're done" said Craig with a devious smile.
When we were sure that everyone came, we shushed them and I turned on my Depressed side, started crying and called Bianca. "Hello?" she answered.
"Bianca, I know it's your day today but, can't do this anymore"
"What's wrong, Puff ball?" she asked.
"I don't want to live anymore"
"No, no, tell me where you are, you can't be serious right now" she said in a panicky voice. You could hear Christian in the back asking numerous amounts of questions.
"I'm very serious, and I'm home"
"Okay, just stop crying, Christian and I will be there in under 5 minutes" I hung up and started laughing, "She'll be here in about three minutes. Everyone be quiet"
She came within two minutes, banging on the door and ringing the doorbell, "Jacob, answer the door!" Craig's mom answered the door, smiling and both of their facial expressions changed. "Hi, where's Jacob?" she led them to Craig and I and we were smiling from ear to ear.
"What's going on?" She asked
"And why are both your families here?" Christian asked, and waved at his mom, "What are our moms doing here?" she nudged Bianca and pointed to them and they waved and smiled.
"Well, remember that thing I was making a long time ago?" I asked. She nodded her head.
"And Christian, remember when I told you I had a few things made for you?" Craig asked.
"You want me to go first?" I asked. "Sure, you can. Mine is going to take a while" he replied
"As long as I've known you, I caught on to a lot of things. You're crazy, loud, sometimes unreasonable, you talk too much, you're confusing, sometimes you're a little slow-"
"And where is this going, before I get mad" she folded her arms
"Short tempered and a little annoying" I added, "But, other than that, you can be the best thing that has ever happened to me. You're nice to me when I'm being an asshole, you comfort me when I'm sad, you deal with all the crazy shit that I get myself into, you taught me to see the upside of what seems like a bad thing, you taught me to love myself more, and you deal with my out of control jealousy, but what I love the most about you is the fact that you stayed. You stayed, even after I completely lost myself and went insane for that minute during that little incident. I love you, Perez"
"Perez?" she asked with a confused expression
"Yeah, I might have to get used to calling you my last name instead of yours for now on" I got on one knee and pulled out a little black box with our names engraved in gold, Jacob and Bianca Perez. "Bianca Rosalina Portilla, Will you marry me?" She looked at me with her mouth agate. There was an awkward five second silence.

The Wild Ones
Teen FictionBianca Portilla is a good little mommy's girl from Crowning High while Jacob Perez is a sneaky bad boy all the way from Brantley High. Let's see what happens when a Good girl gets involved with a Bad boy.