The next month..
Since I've been pregnant for some reason I've been moving around a lot and cooking more than usual, but no one seems to mind. After all, they're the ones eating and I'm the one cooking. But anyway, today I was supposed to be babysitting Karley, the little girl from my job. It's saturday and it looks like I'll be the only one in the house since everyone else is busy today, even Jacob. He said he was to take care of some kind of business. Oh, and speaking of Jacob, I didn't tell you about how I quit my job at the daycare and became a model. But, I'm still keeping in contact with Karley's parents.
When they dropped her off, they gave me a small list of her favorite things to eat, what she likes to watch, games she likes to play and her favorite kind of stuffed animal to put her to sleep. I have thousands of stuffed animals, so that part shouldn't be hard. "Okay, thanks Ms. Hadden" I said, waving goodbye to her and her boyfriend. "Did you eat today?" I asked, she nodded and went to go sit on the couch. Man, I really felt like cooking.
I took the remote and turned it to Adventure Time and went toward the kitchen. On my way there, I heard her singing the theme song, which was adorable. I think she and Jacob would make good buddies because he does the exact same thing and that's the first thing he does when he comes in the house. Yes, he comes in singing the theme song and sits on the couch just to watch Adventure Time or Regular Show and if it's not on, he puts his Adventure Time DVD in and watch episodes until he falls asleep. He's my big baby.
"Karley, come here please!" I yelled. The sound of her brown sandals hitting the floor made me think of how cute that would be when he have our baby. When she came in, I picked up her and sat her on the counter. "I know you just ate, but do you want me to bake you any cookies or anything?" I went in the freezer and pulled out a bucket of Chocolate Chunk cookie dough and a bucket of Chocolate chip cookies with M&Ms. "I have these two, pick one or both, your choice". She put her hands on both of them and said, "Dis". How cute. I took the step stool and got a container of Nutella from the top and went in the fridge and got some Oreos and putit next to her. "Eat these until I'm done with the cookies okay?" with the Oreos in one hand and the Nutella in the other, I picked her up and sat her in front of the table. I opened both of them and let her be.
As soon as I finished the cookies, I let them cool off and afterwards put some of them on a platter and put the lid on top. Karley looks like a cookie monster, so I got her five of each and did the same for myself. I called her again and she ran back in the kitchen with Nutella and Oreo creme all of her shirt, "Well, aren't you a messy baby?" She giggled and rubbed what was left of the Nutella and Oreos together in her hands, trying to get of it. "Let me take this, and I'll bring back another shirt okay?" I went to the wash room and put her shirt in the washing machine and got one of Jacob's shirts out of the dryer for her. I'm sure he wouldn't mind considering it still needed another wash because it still smells like his cologne. When I made it back to the kitchen, she was on top of the counter, on her stomach eating the cookies. "How'd you get up there? Silly baby" I took her off and put Jacob's shirt on her. It looked like a giant dress on her which tripled her cuteness.
About twenty minutes later, after eating cookies and listening to Karley laugh and scream at the TV, Jacob finally came home. "Hey!" he threw the keys on the table and covered me with hugs and kisses, "Ew, you smell like mother nature, get off of me"
Ignoring me he looked over at Karley, "Is that my shirt?" he pointed. "Yes it is, problem?" I asked.
"No, she looks cute" he said, watching her eat. "Where'd she get the cookies from?" he asked leaning up off of me. I forgot he was King Cookie monster, "I made some not too long ago, there's a huge plate of them in the kitchen"
"I'll be back" he got up and went to the kitchen.
While Jacob was in the room on his phone, I was giving Karley a bath because she was so sticky. She started taking out her bows and rubberbands and dipped her hands in the water and rubbed her hands back and forth through her hair. "Oh you want me to wash you hair?" I held onto her arm and reached for my Garnier Fructis shampoo.
After I finished bathing her and washing her hair, I dried her off, put her diaper on her, and gave her another one of Jacob's shirts. She walked out of the bathroom with his shirt rolled up in her arms so she could walk without tripping. When she got to Jacob's side, she pulled on the sheets trying to get on the bed and Jacob picked her up and put her next to him. She rolled over and climbed on top of him, trying to get at his hair, "Don't touch it, it'll come off and bite you" he said, making her lay back down.
After I finished cleaning of the bathroom, I lied down next to Karley and she was already dozing off. "How is she going to sleep this fast?" I ask. "She's going to sleep?" he leaned up and looked at her and went back to stroking her hair. That's probably why she's going to sleep so quick, who doesn't like the feeling of having your hair played in?
Ray's POV.
I took Vanessa to starbucks because she didn't want to go home just yet. We ordered our stuff and went and sat down at one of the tables with it. "It's been so long since I've been here. Almost two months"
"You acting like it been a year" I laughed.
We were just talking and laughing and I look over and see this girl. She looked familiar although I couldn't see her face because she had her back turned. But her body type looked extremely familiar, like I've seen it somewhere. She turned around and saw me looking at her and waved, "Hey Ray!"
I squinted my eyes trying recognize her face, "Kammie?"
Sorry it's short af but, I have to take exams tomorrow.
If you don't know Kammie, she's the girl that I mentioned a few chapters ao, that broke Ray's heart some years back when he was in Cali.

The Wild Ones
Teen FictionBianca Portilla is a good little mommy's girl from Crowning High while Jacob Perez is a sneaky bad boy all the way from Brantley High. Let's see what happens when a Good girl gets involved with a Bad boy.