After I came home from the mall, I went to his room and saw that Vanessa was still here. She was braiding his hair back into two braids. "Hey, so I met this girl in the mall today. Her name is Kiara" I said, putting the stuff I bought him in his closet. "What she look like?" he asked.
"She had long hair, caramel skin, pretty shape, and her smile was on point too"
"Does she have any sisters?"
"I'll text her and ask her, and if she does, you'll most likely be seeing them soon. Oh, and I met Karma today. She's even prettier in person, wanna see?"
"Yeah, sure"
I went through my phone for the pictures and showed it to him, "She's cute, huh?" I ask, looking at him for his opinion.
"Damn right, where'd you find her?" he asked in amazement.
"I didn't find her, she found me"
Vanessa looked a little confused, "Wait, so you met two girls at the same place in one day?" she asked, waiting on me to confirm.
"Yes ma'am"
"You real; you real" she praised.
Bianca's POV.
Our wedding was in three more weeks, and Jacob and Craig have everything ready while Christian and I don't. We still need to schedule to get our hair done, buy jewelry, hire someone to do our make up, and let's not forget the most important thing. Our dresses.
"Puffy, do you have an extra five hundred dollars?"
"Yeah, for what?"
"Just somethings that I don't have done for the wedding" I said in a soft tone.
"Oh that's it? What all do you need done?"
"My hair, Jewelry, someone to do my makeup and my dress"
"You know that's going to cost more, right?"
"No, I did not, but do you have the money for it?"
"Of course I do, just let me come with you. Are you ready now or do you need time?" he asked, getting the keys off the key holder.
"We can go now, if Christian and Craig are ready"
Christian came in at the right moment, "Ready for what?" she asked, putting her hair in a ponytail.
"We're getting our stuff for the wedding in a few weeks"
"Oh! I completely forgot. I was talking about that this morning, then Craig made me forget. I'll go get my shoes"
Hm, I wonder how he wiped her memory that quick. Wink, Wink. Well, that's just me thinking nasty, but you could think whatever. Jacob and I went and sat in the car, waiting for them to come out.
First we went to get our dresses. "Don't look, we want it to be a surprise on the day of"
"Isn't it bad luck?" Craig asked, with his back turned and his eyes closed.
"I don't believe in that bull" I scoffed.
After trying on what felt like thousands and thousands of dresses, we finally found the perfect ones.
It had diamonds at the top, fading as it went down. Not actually fading like becoming dull, but you should know what I mean. The original price was exactly a thousand dollars, but they reduced it to five hundred. "Can we open our eyes now?"
"No, not yet" we bought the dresses and put them in the trunk. Christian went back in the store and told them to come on.
"Who are we going to find to do our makeup?" I asked, waiting for Christian to answer.

The Wild Ones
Teen FictionBianca Portilla is a good little mommy's girl from Crowning High while Jacob Perez is a sneaky bad boy all the way from Brantley High. Let's see what happens when a Good girl gets involved with a Bad boy.