2 - It is your fault

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Don't forget, when you are in Scott's head the text is written in bold cursive font.


It wasn't a dream, it was damn reality. I walked to my room and slammed the door. "Fuck you Scott Hoying!" I threw myself on the bed and burrowed my head into the pillow. I will not cry! Hell no! Not for that asshole! Not again. I had cried so many tears during last months. Every time he cuddled me I felt butterflies in my stomach, I almost melted, but Scott never really took it seriously. He just enjoyed himself and I was suffering. I hoped this day would never come.

For real, I can't be mad at my soulmate. It feels like to be mad at myself. Yes - we are that close. Deal with it! ... I'm feeling blue. I'm definitely not in good mood. In my case that means I became either melancholic or sassy. I have to occupy myself. I would usually go to see Scott and let him to apologize and watch SpongeBob together. Not today! Let's go to the online world. My fans always make me feel loved. Someone loves me at least...

I went to history and I tortured myself to go through old Tweets between Scott and me. I can imagine why Scömìche is real for the fandom. We are one person basically...

Oh fuck! Hey wait I almost forgot about that teasing conversation between Beau and me. Such fun! It was in 2014 and we didn't really continue since that. Did I want him to be my bf? I am such sassy bitch. His reply was quite funny - I may invite him to the dinner, as he wanted. Why? Come on you know why - I can be literally stuck in my room until Scott will fall asleep or I can spend a dinner with quite lovely boy and this lady doesn't want to be stuck alone today.

It took me a few messages and I have a date baby! I'm really skilled in writing dah. Beau replied immediately. I am lucky that I kept his phone number. So I have an hour to prepare - that is not enough time, but I will force myself to handle with this situation with my chin up.

I heard how hard Mitch slammed that door. I haven't seen him like that for ages and I hate when he is not feeling comfortable. Now I have to deal with the fact, that I am the one, who did this to him. Mitch is angry because of me. I know him that well that I'm more than sure his anger will turn to moody, melancholic phase. I am always here for him. I usually order his favorite food, prepare the Veuve and go to apologize for whatever I did. I always did something to him.

I'm such a hyper child and sometimes I don't know when or how to stop myself. He is the calmer, smarter and reasonable one. I need him desperately. Well it is time to order the food...

Oh God I forgot my phone in my room. Scott you are a disaster today. But I can handle the situation. Mitch is never really mad at me for a long time and we already had these discussions and I am afraid this wasn't the last one. I wiped my tears and went to my room.

I heard Scott went to his room. Great! I don't want to talk to him at all! I am weak when I see him. I will drown in his blue blue blue fucking blue eyes and I will not go anywhere. I feel like a teenage girl escaping from parent's house. I can be very quiet - my cat moves are legendary.

Scott is more like a bull in a china shop. I love him. My sweet noodle... "Mitchell Coby Michael Grassi! Stop act like desperate Romeo and go to that date! Scott doesn't love you and you have to survive this mess." Honestly I hate this speeches with myself...

"Mitchy! Miiiiiiitchy! M I T C H Y! I know you can hear me! Hello? Samantha? I am going to watch SpongeBob! And I have a champagne! Come jump to my arms sis! I'm an idiot! ... OK I am stupid idiot! ... OK I am fucking hopeless stupid idiot!" Hmmm. He has to be really pissed off, because normally he will reply with "Fuck off Scoooter" or something like that. I went to knock at his door.

"Mitch I am really really really really sorry! Can we talk about it? Can you open the door please? Pretty please?" I tried to open the door and lucky me - they weren't locked. "Mitch? I... What?!" Mitch wasn't there. I can still smell his perfume and I can tell he was taking a shower, but where the hell is he? Well, I will write to my invisible best friend.

"Hello Ghost. Whatever u did to my Mitchy I want him back." I wait for a minute and the massage wasn't opened yet. That is weird. Mitch has always his phone nearby.

"Mr. Ghost I really would like to talk to my beautiful flawless man. Can u tell him to come back from next world and talk to me?" I was waiting for 5 long minutes and nothing happened. Hmmm. Patience isn't my strongest quality.

"Mitch? Can u tell me where are u or at least that u are safe?" ...

"Mitchy please talk to me I am going to worry." ...

"Come on Mitchell are u serious?! I am afraid about u!" ...

"Just write me back with only three words - I am OK and that will be enough. I'm begging u." ...

I was waiting almost all evening and drank whole bottle of champagne. No message from Mitch. That is it! If he will not reply until midnight I will call police! Fireman! Hospital! President! I will wake up all fucking America to help me to find my Mitch!

Finally the right key! Ooops I am a little drunk. Just be quiet...

"Oh someone is FINALY at home! Her majesty arrives! What an honor my queen!" Can I sound more sarcastic? I don't think so.

"Where have you been? Why you did not even open your fucking messages? Why you didn't tell me?! I was scared! I was desperate! I was crying! What I have done to you?!" Mitch looked at me with poker face. I should shut up. What have I said AGAIN?

"You aren't my parents! You aren't my boyfriend! I can go whenever I want and with whoever I want! I forgot my phone in the bathroom, OK?! Why you care that much? You don't want me. You just use me as your puppy and can't stand it anymore! If you don't want me, others will!"

I was screaming on him with the highest voice I've ever used to him. I can't believe that we have serious fight right now. But I am so broken that it is my only defense.

"Others? You were on a date? With whom? Some sexy bartender?!"

"Nor! His name is Beau and I bet u remember him. He is tall, he is sexy and he has got the most beautiful green eyes I've ever seen!"

"That Beau?! Come on Mitch he is a child! He just want you because you are the VIP!"

"Do you want to tell me that nobody will want me, if I will not be famous?! You are wrong! It is your fault, that I wasn't dating at all! It is your fault, that I was waiting for you to break up with whoever! It is your fucking fault, that I went to that date! Don't you dare to be mad at me! Don't you dare to even open your mouth!"

I run to my room again... Such endings of our conversations are becoming usual. That's not us. That's not us at all...


If you are reading this you are at the end of the chapter and I am so grateful!

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Thank you @fcutemuc for help me edit this chapter and for your feedback!

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