8 - Offstage

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I received so many good reactions at last chapter. You are giving me the strenght to continue...

I have to thank @fcutemuc for writing with me this chapter during our long chatting session. And you probably know already what does that mean - a smut.

If you feel uncomfortable please wait for chapter 9, #soon.


The show was lit and the crowd was screaming and yelling our names. We went to our dressing room. I couldn't help but I was staring at Scott as he stripped out of his clothes. I was still turned on after our Guy.exe performance. Having the control of somebody was somewhat hot.

Scott felt that I was staring at him and said: "Do you like what you're seeing princess"? I rolled my eyes playfully and said: "Six feet tall and super strong?"

Scott stayed almost naked in front of me and I felt my pants got tighter. I bit my bottom lip as he turned to face me. His pale skin was shining from the sweat. I couldn't deny I was horny.

He looked at me quite surprised, as he didn't believe how I looked at him. The color of his eyes changed. I don't really know how he is able to do it, but damn that is sexy. Usually he has adorable blue as a sky in the summer. Now they were dark as the sky before the thunderstorm.

"Mitch." That wasn't a question. It was an invitation.

He did not move an inch. I could just read that from the tense of his body, from his posture, from his chest, which was moving by breathing faster than usual...

I should turn around. I should remind us our obligations...I should made a joke...I should leave.

What did I do? I turned around...Walked away from him and...locked the door.

Scott opened his mouth as he want to say something, but all was getting out from that perfect lips was just his: "Wow!".

I was walking toward him, pressing the finger on my lips "Shush."...

He widened his eyes as I came to him, lift at my toes, slide my both hands through his hair and pulled his head against my hungry mouth.

The kiss was everything than slow, sweet or shy...

I grabbed his butt and pulled him closer to me. My tongue was fighting for dominance and I won this time. I moaned in the kiss said: "Get naked now." Scott gasped. He wasn't used to hear that tone from me.

We pulled away from the kiss to catch a breath but just for a short moment. I went forward again and kissed him down from his jaw to his chest. I pinched his nipples while my left hand was wandering to his already rock hard cock. I massaged him through the fabric while my right hand rested on his perfect butt. The sensation from my action makes him moaning loudly. I pulled on his boxer and freed his member. His member was pounding in my hand. I gasped.

"GET NAKED! NOW!" I said loudly while I was stocking him hard and slow. He looked at me in surprise but he didn't hesitate to do what I told him. I had my own cloths on the ground in a sec.

I pushed him through the wall and pinned him with my body. I grabbed his hair and pulled his head back to suck on his neck while I was grinding my cock against him

He seemed to be surprised by my dominance but moaned immediately. I took his hand and started to suck on his fingers. "Prepare me daddy I need to be fucked hard." His eyes went wide again and his finger started to circle around my hole.

He slowly pushed one inside of me. "Not enough" I moaned

"Why are you scared Scotty? I want to feel your lovely long fingers inside me." With those words, I squeezed his balls and bit his nipple.

I could see another change in his gaze, growing to self-confident powerful Scott, as he usually is.... "Hold on tiger! I am the one in control today, so obey and don't you dare to compete with me. You can't win right now - I am very hungry and impatient - I can literally eat you!

I point to the blanket on the sofa "Go, take that blanket and lay it on the floor". He did what I told him "Good boy! Let me show you how I appreciate your obedience"

"Lay down and close your eyes". And surprisingly he did it again. Wow, I enjoy this power much more than I should.

And it is making me hard.

Scott was laying, eyes closed; his body was shaking a little. "Are u cold? I can take care about that baby." I kneeled next to him and blew a warm air to my palms... I was stroking all his body with my extremely warm hands, from his forehead, to his toes on his feet. He was smiling; he was enjoying every single touch I provide him.

Meanwhile I moved my body. Suddenly his cock was right in front of my mouth. "Open your eyes and make your thing hunny". It was just as perfect as I imagined it. We sucked each other's dicks and didn't have time really to breathe.

"M....itch..I can't please..." Scott can barely talk.

I quickened my tempo and he moaned so loud I was sure all crew had to hear it for sure.

"Oh my God! I love when YOU are vocal"

"I bet if u could riff it, you will" I teased him a little.

"Fuck Mitch! Shut your sassy mouth and fuck me already!"

Oh... What? That wasn't my plan actually, I thought I let him fuck me right now, but God that was an offer you can't just refuse.

"Ok then, turn around"

And he obeyed one more time.

I reached out for my backpack to get some lube out of it. I quickly opened the bottle and spread some lube all over my fingers. I slammed one finger without warning into his tight hole. He screamed in pain and pleasure.

I don't give him time to adjust my finger and add another one quickly

I swirled them around and he moaned loudly as I leaned in to muffle his moans with a kiss.

"M...M.....MIT...MITCH!.... FUCK! " He groaned into my mouth while I dominated him with my tongue.

"You like it to be used, huh?" I pulled away to see his facial expressions. He threw his head back and his eyes rolled backwards. He gasped as I thrusts my fingers in and out faster. "I can't hear you " I moaned. To see him weak like this was turning me on.

After a few thrusts, I suddenly stopped moving my hand and he whined. "Please don't stop just get your fucking cock inside of me already!"

And this time I was the one who obeyed his wish.

People are saying I am a small person. Well, everybody is small next to Scott. I will call myself average, but that doesn't mean I am not gifted. Actually... Judging by Scott's loud groan. I was quite gifted.

"Yes Mitch!" He was begging, he was melting, he was needy and he was stunning. He was my sunshine and I want to make him happy. Satisfied. Full...

So I put all my power to last strokes hitting the perfect spot and with my hand around his cock, he came with my name on his lips.

I followed him only one pound after.

I pressed my chest against his back, and whisper to his ear: "I love you Scotty."

How can he be always so sweet? He got a goosebumps and his cheeks turned slightly red. "I love you more Mitchy." Replied with shivered voice.


I woke up sweaty, shaking and disorientated. We shouldn't create that choreography. We really shouldn't...


I told you! I warned you :) I am curious how this will continue, arent't you?

Please don't forget to vote for the story, if you enjoyed it. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

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