5 - Be Mature

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Hi everybody - lot of things will happened in this chapter, including smut. Please if you feel uncomfortable, don't read the Scotty's part in bold and italic font. That is right - Scotty will have a nice time. Enjoy!


"Mitch! Mitch! Mitchy! M I T CH Y!" I heard Scott screaming and jumping around the living room.

"I hear you Scooter! Calm down! I don't have a solar power as you do." When I came, Scott was radiating, hands in fists, white knuckles – he looked like he will explode in a minute. "Wooow. You really need to calm down or I will get scared." I demonstratively sat down on a couch and put my hands in lap. It had to look like provocation... Which it was. I love to tease him. My happy noodle.

"Mitch this is serious. Jeeeesus! Stop look at me like that, you are getting me nervous." I resigned: "Tell me Scotty." "I found it! I found a house! I am not 100% sure I will buy it, but I am at least 98% sure. You have to see it. There is a garden and patio and Jacuzzi and so many rooms and huuuuge kitchen! You will be obsessed with the kitchen and there is the most amazing view ever and it is a secure residential area, so you will feel safe."

My lovely Scott, how should I tell you without kill you with my words? "Scott, I... I am sure it is the most amazing house, but... I found a house too."

Scott looked at me with surprised expression. But then he said to me with a huge smile: "That is fucking awesome! We can compare them and then buy the better one! How is it? Where? Does it have a garden too? That is important you know. We want a doggie, remember?"

No no no... It is worse than I imagined. "Scotty, baby, please come and sit down next to me. Please." He was still smiling and had no idea what I had to tell him. "Scott I found the house for me. For me only. OK, so maybe for my boyfriend and me. In every way, I don't think it is a good idea to continue living together. We have to be mature and I can't have any serious relationship, when you are always around me. I need my own life..."

I can't describe how miserable Scott looked like. Imagine that you punch a puppy in the face or that you told to three year old kid, that Santa doesn't exist. Evil? That desperate, broken expression Scott had. I am terrible person and I hate myself for that. But I can't recover if I will spend the most of my free time with Scott.

I am in love with Beau for sure, but my love to Scott is beyond imagination. It is like I am able to feel everything he feels, understand without a single word, touch him whenever he needs it the most, say the same phrase in the same time... This is not a healthy relationship, if our feelings are not equal.

"Scott please don't be mad. We should do that. It is the one and only reasonable thing. You are still my best friend, my soulmate and that will never ever change. Do you understand? Scott?" He was so lost in his thoughts and feelings.

"Mitch this is wrong. This is so wrong and we both will regret it. I can't survive without you. You are the only person I can live with. I want to live with. Please don't, please! You are leaving me!"

I stayed silent, not able to look into his baby blue. "I made my decision Scotty and as you know me the best, you know there is no chance to persuade me."

Suddenly Scott jumped from the couch and run away from our home.

I hurried to Mark and Mason's apartment. I can't believe that Mitch and I will not live together anymore. Tears forming in my eyes while I was driving to meet them at their apartment.

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