6 - Stay away

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I can't tell you what the chapter will be about. Maybe one word - Japan :) Enjoy and please remember, when you are Scott, your lines are written in bold and italic font.


Nothing is better than breakfast in bed prepared by your lovely boyfriend. What a great start of the day for me! I was so happy and surprised by all these attention I got from him. He was taking care about me so much, that I felt a little guilty because of my dream last night.

Was this really in my mind - to marry Scott? Do I still love him? I am quite sure than not as much as before. I have a perfect boyfriend now, I should be grateful and I will. I didn't forget that Scott didn't love me anyway.

I opened my arms: "Come on Beau, mamma needs a morning cuddle."

Sup3rfruit is going to Japan! I'm so excited! I love Japan since our first visit with Pentatonix. We loved it. Scott and me. I'm so happy, that I'm almost hyper. In our old house Scotty will be running up and down and singing random silly songs or riffing funny sentences as: "Dooooooo yooooou really neeeed that?" And he will look at all my suitcases with wide smile on his face. I giggled when I imagined that and it was a weird noise in our quiet house.

Beau isn't really vocal, he is usually just following my actions, so when I am silent, he is as well. I feel comfortable about that mostly, but sometimes I miss my noisy noodle. I grab a phone and start to write a message to Scott, but... I delete it... Scott is with his boyfriends and he deserves not to be disturbed. I will see him in hours so it can wait.

Japan! I can't wait! Let's try to riff it: "Hey Mark check this out - I caaaaaan't waaaait!" Mark was laughing and then stroked my arm. Ummm... That was such a sweet gesture, but I expected an annoying rolling eyes. Mitch will do that... I'm so confused. Stroking my arm should be definitely better than sassy Grassi, but...

I have to call Scott and tell him the news. I hope he will not be mad. Why he should be honestly? "Scott? Hi! Yeah can't wait either. Look, I don't want to talk for long, I just want to tell you that Beau is coming with me, so we can't share the room. Yes, you are right, he should be at school, but they changed the date of his concert. Not from the beginning, he will arrive before Kobe. I'm glad he could manage it. Oh, are Mark and Mason coming to? That's great! You will not be lonely... Sorry that was rude. I didn't mean it like that... Nor! ... I will be there. OK, bye."

- . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - . - .

Japan is, was and always will be my favorite place! I can't stop laughing since our arrival. We are having so much fun together! Scott is always nearby. How is he doing that? How is he able to split his attention between boys and me? I feel good! I feel safe. I feel comfortable. I feel that my soulmate is here and completing me somehow. Scott is taking as many photos as he can and I love to pose for him. I didn't do it since...u know.

"Scott you don't have to hug me anymore, you took the photo already. Scott?"

"But I don't wanna stop. What you will do with that?" I knew I have no chance to get from that teddy bear hug by power, but I can use my inteligence. I suddenly crouch and get loose from my T-shirt. Scott was holding abandoned shirt and laughed.

Then he look at me with that deep blue heart eyes gaze. "Mitch. You are beautiful! Look at yourself! Why did you ever doubt about that! Do you want to know what I see? I see perfection! I see flawless body with the most beautiful face on the planet Earth. I adore your lashes your dimples, your hot chocolate eyes, your cheekbones. Should I continue?"

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