7 - Acceptance

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Hi everybody I would like to thank you for more than 600 readings! Wow! I am so happy, you can't even imagine :) .

Before you will continue to find out what happened next in Japan, please let me say one more time - this story is fiction. If it seems real, I am honored, but the true is, that it is just my imagination. I respect all characters in the real life and we all should.

Let's move on and please remember, Scott's POV are written in bold and italic font.


Everything seems to be just perfect in my life. Beau joined me a few minutes after I left him with Scott and he was obviously in a good mood. I am glad they are slowly accepting each other. It is so important for me, I want them both close, Beau closer of course.

"Hi babe, you are literally radiating. Can I know why?" I asked Beau with the smile on my face.

His smile was even wider: "I had quite a nice chat with Scott and I was so looking forward to join you. Nothing else."

Hmm, nice chat? "Really? What were you talking about?" I asked innocently.

"Mostly music - that is a safe topic... But stop talking it is time to change your clothes and it is the best part of this day, so I can't wait anymore."

I giggled as a teenage girl and started to strip. I took my time, humming slow melody and moving with my hips. Beau was sitting on the bed, lust in his eyes and his hands gripping the bed linen. Suddenly he stood up: "I thought I will patiently enjoy every piece of your flawless body, but I changed my mind. Fast and furious, shall we?"

I swallowed, nodded and looked straight to his sparkling green eyes. They changed the color from fresh grass to deep forest. Interesting eyes are my curse and I know only one another person in the entire Universe, who can kill me with his stare. There were times, when I thought I will never ever find more perfect one than the ocean blues, but I did and I am beyond happy for that.

I knew what my look would do with him and I received what I asked for. He kissed me passionately, without any other overture grabbed me, and bend me over the cabinet. He was out of his mind, rough and dominant and I was surprised how much power he was hiding in front of me. It was like to let bounded dragon out. I will have some bruises and love bites for sure, but I didn't really care.

I enjoyed every minute of this unplanned sex. Beau was pounding hard to my prostate and I couldn't hold my moans any more. These made him close over the edge. His hand moved to my neck, I felt a little pressure and then he whispered to my ear: "God you are stunning. I love how I made you weak and shaky. You are all mine, aren't you? Aren't you Mitchy?"

"I am. I am yours." He came with loud groan and collapsed at my back, while I needed only three strikes to make myself even more satisfied...

Do you know five stages of grief? 1st = denial, 2nd = anger, 3rd = bargaining, 4th = depression and 5th = acceptance.

I will go through all of them. I am in the 4th stage right now, if you want to know.

I don't know what to do. I don't want to move, to breathe, to think. I even don't want to eat and if you know me, you just realized how serious my condition is. I'm standing in the hotel corridor, leaning against the wall, searching for support.

"Scott? What are you doing here? Do you feel well?" Mason suddenly appeared in the beginning of the corridor and walked to me quickly, worrying. I replied with a quiet voice: "I'm fine. I had to eaten something bad."

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