11 - Scömìche 2018

302 19 21

Hi everybody. Thank you for all your feedback! You are amazing! Please continue to comment the story and vote if you will like it. What can I tell? I am just a hungry extrovert.

We are going slowly to the end... My plan are 3 more chapters, but you never know...

It this chapter there are Twitter posts of FAKE ACCOUNT written in italic font. Scott's POV is written in bold and italic font as usual.

Here we go!


I am generally a nice guy without any real vices... Hmmm... Except one. Social media. Tadaaaa! You aren't surprised, are you? When I have time, I am glued to my mobile. I love to interact with our fans. They are all so nice to me, that I sometimes don't believe what I read. All those arts, loving tweets and even tattoos are making me extremely happy.

Sometimes I am just scrolling down without any recognition. I wrote a comment under a post, where I wasn't tagged, let the whole fandom thinking that I am watching them 24/7. Some of fans I already know by the name so I see their posts more often. That is how I found that account.


Bio: The only reason I'm here is to show my appreciation to my best friend @scotthoying .

@Scomiche2018: Remember when you was so afraid to kiss me, but than u finally did it? I never told u how proud I was. U was so brave.

What the...?! I can't believe my eyes! I know that fans are sometimes kind of „role playing" to be Mitchy, or me but that is maybe a little too much? What I should do? I don't want to fight with anybody... I will pretend, that I didn't see it.

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@Scomiche2018: I never told you how I regret that I broke up with u so fast and ruthlessly. I know u have forgiven me, but I will never fully forgive myself.

I'm speechless. Why I am feeling so strangely? I feel uncomfortable also. This is way too much! Maybe I should reply. How? I will let this person without a notification, which will probably piss that person off. Yes.


@Scomiche2018: Everybody thinks that I am the best vocalist. That is not true at all. We will never win the Sing Off without you. You are the soul of PTX. I adore your voice.

Ok. That is quite nice. Thank you? I guess. Still - no attention from me, stranger.


@Scomiche2018: I never fully thank you for saving my life. I was just a lost soul, hiding in the corner, when the attack hit me. U were always there with me, for me, saved me. Thank you. Million times thank you.

You got my attention now. Nobody can write such personal things pretending to be Mitchy.

I can still see him, the fear in his eyes, trembling hands, shaking body. I was so scared when it happened for the first time, but I knew what to do naturally.

It is our world, our memories and I know that Mitch was talking about that in media, but that were his words and not some fake account.

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