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"I knew you'll win this. You sang an original composition and the crowd loved it." Dara was too excited after Jiyong got off the stage. 

"I was only able to do that because I know you're there."

"Pss! Stop being so humble. You know what? If there's an agency that's out  there hunting for talent right now, you'll sure be given an offer."

"They wouldn't want to have a nobody." 

"Yah! What did I tell you about being confident? Your ultimate dream is being a singer, right?" 

He nodded. "But that's aside from creating a family with you."

It placed a smile on her lips. "Such a sweet-talker." She tiptoed to place a light kiss on his cheek. 

"Once I become a singer, we can buy a house of our own. You won't be working three separate jobs anymore."

She hugged her. "Before dreaming big, please fill my tummy first because I'm so hungry."  She joked. 

He laughed then held her hand so they can go to their favorite burger stand. 

Jiyong placed the trophy back to it's shelf then looked at all the awards he received. Some of them were even from when he was just starting just like what he was just holding earlier. 

It reminded him of the old times when life was still simple. When life was just about winning so he can earn money to bring food on their table. When his life only evolved around his sick mom, Dara and her brother. 

"Dara..." He whispered. 

The thought of her brought back the pain. 

"I still can't believe you gave up on us." He touched the same trophy and walked away after a few seconds of just staring at it. 

He went to his mini bar inside his room and took a shot of rum to help him fall asleep. 

When Flowers Bloom (A DaraGon Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now