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"There's no chance the tumor can be removed. It's too dangerous for her. The position of the tumor makes it hard for it to be taken out. The only thing we can do now is to make sure we lessen the progression of the tumor and treat the pain."

The doctor's voice kept resounding in Jiyong's head. 

"Ji..." He heard Dara called her name. She was too weak to walk but she didn't want to keep herself in the room.

He stood up to guide her towards the couch when he saw her coming towards the direction of the living room.

He decided to take a few months off from work so he can focus his attention to Dara. They left the city and stayed at the house he bought for his mom. 

"You seem uneasy lately." She noticed.

"It's nothing." He said, wrapping his arm around her waist.

She laid her head on his shoulder. "It's about what the doctor said, isn't it?"

"I'm just thinking of other options." 

Dara searched for his free hand and held it. "Let's stop fighting against fate, Ji. We've already tried our best."

"I won't give up. I can't." 

She forced a smile.

He kissed her hair and looked up the ceiling to stop his tears. He needed to be strong for her. 

"Thank you."

"I'll do anything for you, Dara."

"Can I ask you a favor?" She said in between shallow breathing.

"What is it?"

"Can we sit along the seashore? It's been a long time since my feet felt the sand." 

"Alright. But only for a few minutes. Eomma's almost finish preparing our dinner. And Sang-hyun said he'll be home early from school." 

She nodded. 

Jiyong placed a piece of cloth on the sand so they can both sit on it. The waves were calm and its sound was music to their ears. 

"Don't you feel cold?" He asked Dara while his arm was wrapped on her shoulders. 

She shook her head. "Your body feels warm." 

It made him smile.

"Sang-hyun told me you developed a liking towards a pair of shoes and you said it's from a fan you never get to meet." 

He chuckled. "It's because it's the very first gift I received from a fan. There's no indication of who it was from. It just had a letter saying..."

"Please comfortably walk towards the journey to success with this pair of shoes." Dara finished his sentence. 

"How did you?... It was you? You sent me those shoes?" 

"Sang-hyun and I saved money for it... And we also sent you monthly supplies of teabags which are homemade."

"Why didn't I notice? Jasmine Tea. Those were from you, too?"

She nodded.

Few minutes after, she felt massive pain in her head but she didn't want to ruin the moment. She was already feeling weak prior to her requesting to be near the shore but she wanted to spend more time with him.

She closed her eyes and bit her lower lip, trying to divert her attention away from the pain. 

"Dara, you okay?" Jiyong noticed her silence. 

She didn't open her eyes but responded. "Uh-hm."

"You didn't forget. You were still there trying to take care of me." He stated. 

"I..." She stopped, trying to even out her breathing. " you, Ji." Her heartbeat became irregular and she started feeling like she's losing air.

He kissed her hair before replying. "I love you, too, Dara. I will always love you."

"Can you promise me something." 

"What is it?"

"When I'm gone... find... find someone else. Love someone... else." 

"Yah! Stop talking that way. We still have a lot of activities to do together. We'll still watch Sang-hyun walk the stage on his graduation day, remember?" Jiyong felt something weird. Dara's talking slow and her breathing became ragged.

He knew she's been very weak lately but this is the first time it seemed like she's gasping for air.

"Why don't we get inside. It's getting a little colder out here." Worry resounding his voice.

She reached for his cheek and gave it a sweet kiss, stopping him from standing up. "I'll still forever..." She stopped. "...I'll forever watch over you." 

"Dara... you're making me nervous. What are you feeling? Let's get you inside." 

A smile formed on her pale lips, her eyes only half open. 

"Yah! Dara!" He called her name, river of tears already flowing down his cheeks. 

"I love you, Jiyong. Take... care of Sang-hyun for me. And Eomeoni, too. Think of me when flowers... bloom."

"Yah! Yah!" He gently shook her.

"Fall in love... again." 

"Dara, please." 

"Ji... I... love... you." She took a deep, ragged breath before her hand that held his cheek fell on her side. 

Jiyong kissed the side of her lips while sobbing. He took her in his arms, not wanting to let go. "Dara!"  He screamed in despair. 

When Flowers Bloom (A DaraGon Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now