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"You still have a different handler back then. You were given an offer to make music under their agency. They knew you won't agree to keep information about Dara that time as she was with you all throughout your starting journey. So, what they did was to speak to Dara instead."

"They talked to her?"

His mom nodded. "She can't be connected to your name once they start selling your work. They said it will negatively impact you as a newbie."

"That's not true."

"Let me finish." His mom immeditely interrupted him. "Dara knew how much you've dreamed about being a singer. You've grown up together and I have raised the three of you ever since their parents died. Dara also knew she needed to abide by their rules or we'll lose the chance for us to have the money to have me cured." 

"The management didn't tell me anything about that." 

"They didn't... because they knew what your reaction would be. After your old agency spoke to her, she immediately talked to me. I completely disagreed to her decision but she was firm with her answer. She said she can't stand the idea of you losing me when the chance of resolving it has already been offered. She also said her position can be replaced but never mine."


"Dara loves you dearly. She needs help and I offered to help her but she said she can't accept it. Why? Because of you. If you learn that I'm helping them, it will be a cause of distraction on you." 

"I don't know what to say."

"See for yourself, Jiyong." His mom stood up. But, before she left, she placed a piece of paper on top of his table. 

When Flowers Bloom (A DaraGon Short Story)Where stories live. Discover now