The twins who lived

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❤️(Y/N) = your name
(H/C) = hair color
(E/C) = eye color 💛

Chapter 1

"Up! Get up! Now!"

You woke up with a start. Your aunt rapped on the door again. "UP, UP!" She screeched. Your twin, Harry, stirred beside you but was otherwise devoid of movement. You sigh and shake him lightly. You hear your aunt walk toward the kitchen and then the sound of a frying pan being put on the stove.

"Wake up Harry. You know what'll happen if we don't get in there."

Harry opened his eyes groggily, bringing his fist to his eyes to rub the last remains of sleep away.

"What time is it?" He asked, yawning.

"I don't know."

Your aunt was back outside the door.
"Are you up yet?" She demanded.
"Nearly." You answer.

You and Harry each got up, moving around each other with what suggested years of practice, taking five minutes at most to make yourselves presentable. Well Harry tried to look presentable anyway.

There was a loud banging over your heads causing some dust and dirt to fall on you.

"Get up Potters! We're going to the zoo!" Dudley says proceeding to laugh. You sigh and run a hand through your (h/c) hair to get the dust out.

As soon as you exit the room, however, you are pushed back in, falling on top of Harry in the process.

"Sorry Harry." You say sincerely as you struggle to get off him.

You and Harry make your way into the kitchen after a few minutes of failed attempts of getting up.

"There's the birthday boy!" Aunt Petunia exclaims while hugging Dudley tightly.

"Boy get my coffee, and girl get me the post." Uncle Vernon says.

You sneer and quietly mouth to Harry 'Which level of Hell is this again?'
Harry giggles quietly and goes to get the coffee Uncle Vernon demanded.

You hastily grab the post and skim through it quickly.

'Bill, bill, post card, and letter to Petunia. Nothing new.'

"Boy cook the breakfast and try not to burn anything." You hear Petunia say from the kitchen. You scurry back in just as Dudley yells "36?! I had 37 last year!"

"Well yes but some of these are quite bigger than last year." Petunia explains.

"I don't care how big they are!"

"Now now honey. When we go out we'll buy you two more presents."

You roll your eyes and mouth to Harry 'They inspire my inner serial killer.'

He bit his lip trying to force himself from laughing.

You all eat breakfast (mainly the Dursleys) then get in the car to go to the zoo as the babysitter couldn't take care of you.

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