9 3/4 to Hogwarts

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At some point in time you and Harry had gotten separated in Kings Cross. You worried slightly but hoped he'd be alright and make it safely to the train. You walked between platforms 9 and 10 trying in vain to figure out where your platform could be.

Then you spot a family of blonde haired people running through the barrier between 9 and 10. No one noticed them walk through. You realize this must have been the platform you were looking for so you walked through the wall as well.

You almost slam into the blonde haired family but managed to avoid hurting them at the last second.

"I'm so sorry. I wasn't being careful enough."

The older gentleman turned to you and looked you up and down. You felt small under his gaze.

He eventually replied "That's alright. Is this your first year at Hogwarts?"

You smiled, thankful for his kindness. "Yes. I got my letter not long ago."

"I see. I am Lucius Malfoy. May I ask where your parents are?"

You began to get sick as you always did when your parents were mentioned. "I am (y/n) Potter sir. My parents died years ago and I only have a twin brother whom I lost somewhere around Kings Cross."

Lucius smiled kindly. "You and your brother are very famous you know. It is a pleasure to meet you. I do hope you and my son could be friends. Draco?"

The smaller blonde walked up to you and stuck his hand out. "I'm Draco. Draco Malfoy. Nice to meet you Potter."

You shook his hand. " Nice to meet you as well Draco but please do call me (y/n). I don't personally like being called by my last name."

You hear a whistle go off and knew it signaled the trains departure.

Draco turned to you. "Would you like to sit with me on the train?"

"Sure!" And so you board the train together. You find an empty compartment and put you stuff away. You let Twilight out of her cage and set her gently on your lap just before the train begins to move.

"So (y/n). Not to be rude but if you weren't brought up by your parents then who raised you?"

You closed your eyes grimacing. You told him about life with your Aunt, Uncle, and cousin leaving out details as no one would find them interesting.

"But your a half-blood. Why couldn't you be raised by a wizard family?"

"What's a half-blood?"

Draco then spent the next hour or so answering your questions about blood status and sometimes about Hogwarts or other things.

"Thank you Draco! I feel much more educated now. At least if someone were to ask me a question about blood status I could answer it." You said giggling.

Draco smiled at you and the rest of the ride was spent reading school books in a comfortable silence. That is until the trolley came and two of Draco's friends came wandering in to sit with you.

Draco introduced them as Crabbe and Goyle and he strictly told them to be nice to you. He said since you and him were friends that made his friends your friends.

"Anyway have you thought of what house you'd like to be in?"

You shook your head "I hadn't really given it any tho-"

"There you are (y/n)!"

You turned to see Harry standing in the doorway of your apartment.

"Thank goodness! I was worried about you!" He said as he embraced you. He checked you for injuries as you giggled. Typical overprotective Harry.

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