Needing Mr. Alpha 7

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Kamilah POV**

This can not be happening. No wonder he let two complete strangers stay on his territory without a second thought. That explains the looks he gives me and the foreign feelings I have for him. I mean, I haven't had connections with my wolf ever since I first shifted. I've shifted a grand total of four times since I was 15. They can't expect me to understand what this all means. 

"Uhh, I need to go to the restroom. I'll be back." I ran upstairs, escaping the questioning eyes. I can't believe I have a mate. How did the twin know? Mason must have told him but why wouldn't he tell me? Am I suppose to just accept all of this? I have all of these questions roaming around my head without answers.

I came face to face with myself in the mirror. My skin was flushed and I was sweating just a little bit. I turned the cold water on and splashed it on my face. It calmed my nerves just a little bit. I have a mate. My mate is Mason and he is the Alpha. That makes me the Alpha female. I barely know Mason. This is all so confusing and complicated. I'll ask Mason to speak in private and talk this situation out before my brain explodes. I walk back down and notice that only Mrs. Logan and Mason were still at the dining table.

"Where's Sophia?" I asked.

"She's outside with Bailey and James. Their playing with the soccer ball." Mrs. Logan said. I stood there staring at Mason with Mason staring back. He looked at his mom with a pointed look.

"I know when my presence is not needed. Call if you need me." I went over to sit down beside Mason.

"I know I should have told you when we met that we were mates but I didn't think you were ready for it. You escaped a pretty brutal lifestyle and I just didn't want to throw another complicated situation on you." Mason said with a pleading look on his face.

"Mason, I'm not mad, I'm confused. In our pack, the father determined who your mate was and when you will be married. That's all I ever knew. I found out on my own that there was mate for each person and that is was a strong connection between two people. This girl who was living in the pack house with our family told me that she found her true mate. Even though we weren't close, I was the only one she told. She told her dad, the Beta, that she wasn't mating to the person he picked and they exiled her from the pack and the land."

"That's crazy. Do you know where she went or if she's okay?"

"I don't know. I never heard from her again. I'm pretty sure she is somewhere with her true mate. Listen, I have acknowledge that we are mates but we should become friends before anything. It what's best, ya know." I said. I didn't want to mate with a complete stranger and I don't know anything about him.

"That's fine with me, whatever makes you happy." Despite his words, his actions showed something different. He was a little taken aback at what I said but it was the only thing to do.

"I forgot to tell you. I pulled some strings and starting Monday, you will be going to Simpson Height High School." I squealed. I can't believe that I will be going to high school. I jumped up and gave Mason a hug. 

"Thank you! Thank you! "

"I enrolled Sophia into school also." This is the best news I've had in the long time. I sat back down. I held my hand out to Mason.

"Friends?" I looked at him expectantly. He put his hand in mine.

"Friends." He shook my hand. I felt better about the whole situation. We both got up and went back into the living room.

"So is everything settled?" Mason's mom asked.

"Everything is good. Mason and I decided to be friends first and see where that takes us." Mrs. Logan sat there stunned. She quickly changed her reaction.

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