Needing Mr. Alpha 10

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"Excuse me! I don't have a brother." I said as Mason came up the steps. He had an almost angry expression on his face. He brushed pass my supposed brother and latched his arm around my waist.

"Who are you exactly?" Mason said using his alpha tone.

"I'm Kamilah's half brother. My father is Carl." I don't know what happened after that, it happened too fast. Mason tackled Carter onto the ground and held his hand up as if to hit him.

"Mason! Don't! We don't know if he's working for him or not! Calm down." I said going over to Mason and laid a hand down on his arm. The tension in his body relaxed. I grabbed his arm and helped him up off the ground. Once he was standing, I helped Carter up.

"I'm sorry Carter, Mason here thought you were going to take me back to our father." He dusted off his clothes and looked at me.

"To tell you the truth, I don't exactly know Carl. That's why I came here, to ask you about him." He said.

"How did you find her?" Mason said. That was a good point. If he was looking for me, he would have went to my dad's house.

"I'm new to the area and I was registering myself into school. I have the same last name as you. The woman at the desk ask me am I related to you, she said I kind of favor you. I was curious because I never knew my father so I asked for your address." I looked at him to see if he was lying. I didn't detect a lie.

"Follow me to the living room." I led the way to the living room with Mason and Carter following behind. I knew Mason didn't trust Carter but this guy was potentially my half brother. I sat down on the sofa with Mason close beside me. Carter sat on the couch adjacent to us.

"So the secretary gave up my address, voluntarily?" I said. Is that even illegal. He looked uneasy.

"Was is it that you aren't telling us?" Mason said.  

"Can I trust you guys with my secret? It's the reason why I'm trying to find Carl." Mason looked at me and I looked at him. Whatever it is, can't be that bad. 

"Go ahead. You can trust us, I promise." I said with a smile to put him at ease. He was sweating bullets for goodness sakes.

"Well, it started when I was around 10 or 11, I found out I could teleport. Not far but from like one room to the other." Looked at us for a reaction. We weren't really shocked. Maybe we inherited it from our dad. Will Sophia have one also? "I didn't tell my mom, I kept it to myself because I didn't want her to freak out. I also have the ability to persuade people do what I want them to do. That's how I got your address."

"Can you wait right here for a minute? We'll be right back." I said. We walked into the kitchen and grabbed three glass cups. I then went to the fridge to grab the sweet tea.

"That's my brother alright. He's around my age, that means my dad cheated on my mom, his mate. I can't believe this. I mean, the least he could do was take care of Carter. I bet my mom didn't even know." I look in the cabinet for the tray. I place the glasses and the pitcher on the tray. I then turn to Mason who has been quiet through all this.

"What's your take on this Mason?" I looked up at him. He sighed.

"I know he isn't lying but I don't trust him fully. It's hard for me to just trust him. I can't knock the fact that he's your brother. If you want to get to know him, I'm not going to stop you. If you decide otherwise, I will support you. It's all up to you." For the second time today, I kissed him. I was blessed with a supportive mate who will stand behind me. 

He wrapped his hand around my waist, pulling me closer. I laid my right hand on his chest and put my left hand at the nape of his neck. Mason guided me to the other side of the island and sat me on top. I know we shouldn't get carried away with a guest in the other room but I couldn't help it. Mason moved from my lips to my neck which elicited a moan. That's when I knew I needed to stop because I didn't know if I was going to be able to stop. I've never felt pleasure before and I didn't want to go to far.

Needing Mr. AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now