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That faithful night,
That moment you told me that I was yours,
That moment you told me that we are together,
That was the moment I found a home.

A home full of love,
A home where I can go to whenever I need someone,
A home where my heart feels completely full,
A home where I could feel free to be myself.

You are that home.
That home who is my emotional support,
The reason why I am not losing my sanity,
That home is my greatest comfort,
The reason why I have not end my life.

That was until....

You started to ignore me,
Telling me about how good the other girls are,
Started to put me down,
Started to criticise whatever I had done.

That was when
You left me in  a broken home,
A home which is a constant enraging war zone,
A home which lost all the love and comfort,
A home where my heart was tore into pieces again and again.

That constant pain hit me
So hard that I could not breathe,
So pain that I was dying on the inside,
So broken that my heart was breaking from its seams.

Are you happy?
Now that you destroyed the home,
Now that you have the freedom you had always wanted,
Now that you are happy that we had left.

12a.m. thoughts  | poems ✔Where stories live. Discover now